Blue sky science

‘Blue sky’ science is a collective term which encompasses various matters of theoretical science, that generally ‘could’ have some sort of real-world application. Basically speaking, these ideas are usually interesting enough to foster some debate, even by non-scientists. Naturally then, through the power of the human imagination, these thoughts have led to their development into fictional dramatic works - as known since the 19th century as science-fiction.
However this subject of ‘blue-sky science’ is not about the imaginative endeavours of drama writers, for its actually about the scientific basis behind which sci-fi creations are based on, even if their writers don’t realise it, or do, but still have little technical understanding about them - though have enough knowledge from which a story premise can germinate from which some semblance of scientific realism.
On similar matters that cause the typical person to ponder a curious subject, then this leads to personal philosophical musings on such aspects that makeup blue-sky science, an therefore, any person can philosophise about the existence, or development of subjects, that lie within the realm of blue-sky science.
Technically speaking, , a thinker on this topic, should always take into account the scientific basis upon which an idea can be developed, or at the very least, thought over.
The subjects that can fit into the category of blue-sky science, can be either about a conceptual viewpoint upon how something mysterious started, or will end. Or it can be about a potential futuristic technology, and its possible impact upon society. All of which must a factual background, not a fanciful one, an furthermore, they must not be developed into realms of emotive fantasy through wishful-thinking.
A worthy maxim for this whole matter, is that though the rules of physics etc can be bent to make something a realistic proposition, at some point in the future, or far away from planet earth, the rules can ‘never’ be broken. For though new scientific discoveries can augment what we know today to be the scientific truth - that doesn’t mean they can re-write rule-book, as facts are facts.
As an example, though Isaac Newton’s ‘laws of gravity’ were thought to be universal, an thus be applicable to everything, when Albert Einstein came along centuries later, his ground-breaking discoveries on how gravity would have to work when off-world, showed that though Newton’s work only applied to matters on a planet, an not the vast areas between the planets. Therefore, in terms of what was once perceived to be an absolute scientific rule that couldn’t be broken - turned out to be ‘not’ so absolute, as was once so widely thought to be. Hence, new discoveries have eternal liberty to replace or refine all of which has come before as supposedly proven truth.
Subjects :
1. what attributes can be genetically engineered into a person to give them special abilities.
2. if a sophisticated android or robot declared themselves to be alive, would a law court agree.
3. how would a spacecraft traverse a black hole an where would it arrive upon leaving it.
4. what are the current an best theories about how the universe was created.
5. how will the universe end, or will it expand ever outwards into infinity for eternity.
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