Blockwork Road

What is the Blockwork Road?

The Blockwork Road runs from the post box on the telephone pole (on the Old Weymouth to Lulworth Road that passes north of Ringstead Bay) to Holworth House. It is 250 metres of road laid in two strips of interlocking concrete blocks.

25 Years and still going strong

The first sections of the road were placed 25 years ago. The most recent sections were placed 10 years ago. The only maintenance required has been cutting back the vegetation either side of the road and replacing shoulder material over a short section where it has been dislodged by vehicles being driven off-the-blocks.

Apart from the section placed 10 years ago, it is difficult to determine the relative age of the sections. The only discernable wear is near the post box where hard sharp material from the adjacent loose surface has abraded the surface of the blocks through the passage of vehicles - but even this is only slight. The section placed 10 years ago is obvious because it is of a different type of block.

There is no apparent reason why the blocks should not last at least another 25 years - or even longer.


Method, materials, cost: to be continued. --Holworth 18:16, 27 October 2007 (UTC)
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