BlazeVideo is a local video R & D company in Shenzhen, specializing in the field of multimedia research and development, it has fully independent intellectual property right of their product and technologys. The company is dedicated in the industry of Windows based audio/video codec and DVD playback, backup, video/audio/image converter software development. It is a major HDTV player (BlazeVideo HDTV Player used their independently-developed H.264 and MPEG-2 HD decoder, it is compatible with DVB-T, DVB-S, DVB-S2, ATSC, ISDB-T, DMB-TH, CMMB and other digital TV standards.) and other multimedia software maker, now they have established OEM relationship with AfA, Dibcom, Realtek, intel zarlink, Ec168, SPRD, Legend Silicon etc. Product Catergory * Digital TV player/HDTV player * DVD backup/copy software * DVD player (software) ** BlazeDVD * Video/Audio/Image converter * Video editing software * Photo editing software * DVD/CD maker