Bioscope (TV series)

Bioscope is a television series based on feature films.
Format & History
A Hindi feature film is divided into 2 parts and presented on the national channel of Doordarshan by a popular TV host on two consecutive days.
Day One
On every Monday, the host introduces the film along with its main cast and credits. Some interesting facts about the film are also shared with the viewers. The host also reads names of those who has answered the question asked in previous episodes.
Day Two
A brief summary of the first part is shared by the host with viewers and the names of the winners of Filmy Gyan (Quiz) are announced and select letter from viewer is read and replied. When the film ends, the host puts before the viewers a question related with the film. Film of the next week is announced and its glimpses are shown in the end of the show.
Presently Tirdha is hosting the show, Previously it was hosted by Nahid,Nayapara
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