Biol4 25.01.10

This article is based upon the AQA Biology Unit 4 paper sat by just under 20'000 students on the 25th of January 2010. The paper caused immediate concern amongst both students and teachers alike causing the creating of a Facebook group which has since gathered over 13'000 supporters who believe that the exam "was a disgrace". This article will explain the factors which lead to the first student lead exam protest AQA reports to have experienced.
The Removal Of Science
Over the past 15 or so years there has been a gradual progression in AQA Biology (and A level exams in general) from a two month study period follow by exams to four six month study periods each followed by exams. As a result many topics have had to be dropped from the syllabus in order to deal with the reduced time available for teaching. Many topics have also had to be simplified in order to deal with the new timeframes. (some topics being simplified to the extent of being incorrect). The exam released on the 25th caused an outcry as much of the little science that remained had not been tested. Students claim that the more difficult topics and been omitted from the exam, namely the 'Inheritance' chapter which was excluded altogether. Many of the other chapters were only "lightly brushed upon" as one student put it "with only a fraction of the detail making it to the exam". AQA has not yet responded to these allegations although they have issued a statement which mentioned that the new exams had a greater emphasis on the application of science. One student attempted to calculate the percentage of topics which had been "completely ignored" and came to the conclusion that at least 63% of the sections of the AQA endorsed textbook had gone completely un-examined with a further 20% of sections being "poorly examined" and the remainder had been correctly included in the test, though many claim that even the better questions lacked detail and didn't enable students to "display their knowledge" as one student phrased it. (the analysis described can be found as an image on the social networking site Facebook).
How Science Works
AQA list three AO's (assessment objectives) which are expressed in its exam papers...
AO1 (Knowledge and understanding of science and of How Science Works)
AO2 (AO2: Application of knowledge and understanding of science and of How Science Works)
AO3 (How Science Works)
...which together complete the application and How Science Works questions on their Biology exams. AQA states on their website that the unit 4 exam should have 17% of its marks dedicated to AO1,2 and 3.
Students however claimed that the exam paper contained a far higher percentage of these AO's estimations from 50% upwards. This has caused anguish amongst many who believe that the science is being removed from their exam. Many students claim that the questions based on AO's are unfair as students marks are highly due to chance with A' grade students achieving the same marks as other students. In response AQA made a statement on its news site which contained the words "The examination paper properly reflects these assessment objectives"
Students and teachers alike took particular offence at one question on the paper which carried a large number of marks. The question in question was regarding population analysis of Shrew colonies. The question was denounced as it was said to be "examining common sense not scientific knowledge". The outrage over this question caused the creation of many satirical images depicting the AQA Shrewology text book, or suggesting the probability of a sudden downfall in shrew populations. Other satirical works include the creation of a mock exam paper written in the style of the AQA exam ( and an AQA BIOL4 song (
Shrews In The Press
The story was quickly picked upon by the Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, Express and BBC news amongst other titles. The Facebook protest has enjoyed both television and radio coverage.
Things So Far
AQA has stated that it "was aware of the concerns and is considering its response" and further remarked "We will take account of these concerns when marking the examination".
Ofqual the exams regulator says it has "asked the AQA exam board for a report on the biology paper and "the actions they are taking in response to the concerns raised"
8. http://en. .org/wiki/Assessment_and_Qualifications_Alliance
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