Bigyan Neupane

Bigyan Darshan (September 25, 1997), is a Nepali young poet and social worker. His original name is Bigyan Neupane.Bigyan was born on the evening of september 25, 1997 from the womb of Tara Neupane in Bharatpur, Chitwan.His father Phanindra Prasad Neupane is a Teacher in Dhading.
Life, works and Achievement
Bigyan was born on september 25, 1997 in Bharatpur, Nepal. He started his education in Gyandarshan English Boarding School in which he read upto class 7. After then he went to Amber Everest English Boarding School from where he passed S.L.C. Now he is reading Science in Aroma college of Applied Science and Management at Grade 11. With the continuity to his education, he has been giving continuty to literature and social work at an early age.
Darshan started writing poems at the age of 9 years. Although his first poem is hami ek nepali, his first published poem is which was published in Muna monthely publications. Upto now his severels poems specially gazals and muktaks are published in magazines, websites and Facebook.He is specially known for his powerful gazals and muktaks in Chitwan literature.He is considered to be a rising poet in .
Besides literature ,Bigyan is a well known young in Chitwan district. He has established a organization called UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENT PERSON GROUP (UIPG) with his friends and is the Present president of this organization. His organization was established for the promotion of intelligence to the social welfare. He and his organization is now fighting for child rights and abolision of child abuse. He, as a representative of UIPG was participated in the formation of child right act-2071 of DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. The UIPG has got the legal bound to the DISTRICT CHILDCARE COMMITTEE.
# udasye birsiye pacchi
# u udaune chha sandhai
# Din (gazal)
# achel kabitama kabita paidaina
# bihani (gazal)
# madi gaun (poem)
# yesai gari usai gari
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