Bibliography of Tirana

A list of works about Tirana, Albania:
List of works
*[ Abitz, Julie. Post-Socialist Development in Tirana. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetscenter, 2006.]
*Aliaj, Besnik; Keida Lulo and Genc Myftiu. Tirana: the Challenge of Urban Development, Tirana: Cetis, 2003
*[ Aliaj, Besnik. A Short History of Housing and Urban Development Models during 1945-1990, Tirana 2003.]
*[ Bertaud, Alain. Urban Development in Albania: the Success Story of the Informal Sector, 2006.]
*Galeteanu, Emira. Tirana: the Spectacle of the Urban Theatre. MA Dissertation. Carleton University: Ottawa, 2006.
*[ Guaralda, Mirko (2009). Urban Identity and Colour : the Case of Tirana, Albania. Spectrum e-news, 2009(Dec), pp. 13-14.]
*Jasa, Skënder. Tirana në shekuj: Terona, Theranda, Tirkan, Tirannea, Tirana: monografi, disa artikuj e materiale arkivore kushtuar historisë së Tiranës, Tirana 1997.
*[ Pojani, Dorina (2011). Mobility, Equity and Sustainability Today in Tirana, TeMA 4, no. 2, pp.99-109]
*, a TV series produced by domestic RTV Ora on life in Albania seen by a foreigner, Australian-born journalist Alexandra Lewis living in Tirana, Albania
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