Bibliography of Gilbert Hegemier

This is a bibliography of articles by American structural engineer and inventor Gilbert Hegemier. Much of his research focuses on earthquake engineering to retrofit structures such as bridges, roadways and buildings to improve public safety.
Earthquake engineering
* Hutchinson, T.C., Wang, X., Hegemier, G., Kamath, P., Meacham, B. (2021). Earthquake and Post-earthquake Fire Testing of a Mid-rise Cold-formed Steel Framed Building 1: Building Response and Physical Damage. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering.
* Hegemier, G.A., Seible, F., Igarashi,  A., Kingsley, G., Simulated Seismic Load Tests of a 5-Story Full Scale Reinforced Masonry Building, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.120, No.3 (March 1994), pp 903-924.
* Hegemier, G., et al., Loma Prieta Earthquake Reconnaissance Report: Bridge Structures, Earthquake Spectra, Supplement to Vol.6 (May 1990), pp151-187.
* Hegemier, G.A., et al., Full-Scale Testing of Structural Masonry Systems Under Simulated Seismic Loads, Proceedings of Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, November 20-23, 1991, Vol.2, pp 197-208.
* Hegemier, G.A., et al., Testing of Full-Scale Shear Wall Structures under Seismic Load, Proceedings of Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Madrid Spain, July 19-24, 1992, Vol. 5, pp 2653-2758.
* Hegemier, G.A., et al., Preliminary Results from the TCCMAR 5-Story Full -Scale Reinforced Masonry Research Building Test, The Masonry Society Journal (August 1993), Vol. 12, No. 1, pp 53-60.
* Seible, F., Hegemier, G.A., Igarashi, A., Simulated Seismic Laboratory Load Testing of Full-Sale Buildings, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 12, No. 1, February 1996.
* Seible, F., Hegemier, G.A., Priestly, M.J.N., Innamorato, D., Seismic Retrofit of RC Columns with Continuous Carbon Fiber Jackets, ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, May 1997, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp 52-62.
* Hegemier, G.A., et al., Earthquake Response and Damage Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Multistory Buildings, Part 1: Program Definition, Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, New Delhi, India, January 1997, Vol.11, India Society of Earthquake Technology, New Delhi.
* Hegemier, G.A., et al., Earthquake Response and Damage Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Multistory Buildings, Part 2: Selected Results, Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, New Delhi, India, January 1997, Vol 11, India Society of Earthquake Engineering Technology, New Delhi.
* Hegemier, G.A., et al., Performance of Native Construction, Masonry Construction and Special Structures in the Managua, Nicaragua Earthquake of December 23, 1972, 1973 Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), pp 342-403.
Protective technologies and test methods for Blast Loading of Structures
* Hegemier, G.A., Seible, F., Rodriguez-Nikl, T., Arnett, K., Blast Mitigation of Critical Infrastructure Components and Systems, Proceedings of the 2nd International fib Conference, Naples, Italy, July 2006, Session 11, pp 1-12.
* Seible, F., Hegemier, G.A., Karbhari, V., Wolfson, J., Conway, R., Baum, J., Protection of Our Bridge Infrastructure against Man-made and Natural Hazards, IABMAS ’06 Third International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Porto Portugal, July 16-19, 2006, 18 pages.
* Seible, F., Hegemier, G., et al., Mitigation of Natural and Man-made Hazards in our Constructed Environment, Symposium Experimentelle Untersuchungen von Baukonstruktionen, September 27, 2007, pp 31-56.
* Osterlie, M.G., Hegemier, G.A., Morrill.K.B., Response of Concrete Masonry Walls to Simulated Blast Loads, 2009 ASCE Structures Congress Proceedings, Austin, TX, April 2009, Vol.341, pp1277-1286.
* Stewart, L.K., Hegemier, G.A., Morrill, K.B., Simulated Blast Loading of Structural Steel Columns, 8th International Conference on Shock & Impact on Structures, Adelaide, Australia, September 2009, 8 pages.
* Rodriguez-Nikl, T., Hegemier, G.A., Oesterle, Seible, F., Blast Simulator Testing of RC Columns with CFRP Jackets, Proceedings of the 80th Shock and Vibration (SAVIAC) Symposium, June 2010, paper U-102, pp 1-7.
* Morrill, K.B., Hegemier, G.A., et al., Full-cale Testing of Reinforced Concrete Column Retrofits to Resist Blast Loads, 10th International Symposium on Interaction of Effects of Munitions with Structures, May 2001.
* Oesterle, M.G., Hegemier, G.A., Blast Simulator Tests on Unreinforced Masonry Walls with Polyurea Catcher Systems, Proceedings of the 80th Shock and Vibration (SAVIAC) Symposium, June 2010, paper U-108, pp. 1-16.
* Hegemier, G., et al., Protection of our Bridge Infrastructure against Man-Made and Natural Hazards, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, December 2008, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 415-429.
* Hegemier, G., et al., The Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers to Mitigate Natural and Man-Made Hazards, Proceedings of the 8Th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-08), Vol.1, pp. 12-36, University of Patras, Greece, July 16-18, 2007.
* Wolfson, J., Hegemier, G., et al., Blast Mitigation Techniques for Near Contact Charges on Cellular Steel Bridge Towers, Limited Distribution Proceedings of 81st Shock and Vibration Symposium (SAVIAC), 2011.
* Morrill. K. B., Hegemier, G.A., et al., Full-Scale Testing of Reinforced Concrete Column Retrofits to Resist Blast Loads, 10th International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, May 2001.
* Huson, P. N., Asaro, R.J., Stewart, L.K., Hegemier, G.A., Non-Explosive Methods for Simulating Blast Loads on Structures with Complex Geometries, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2011, Vol. 38, No.7, pp. 546-557.
* Hegemier, G.A., et al., Laboratory Simulation of Blast Loading on Building and Bridge Structures, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Vol.87, pp. 33-44, 2006, Structures under Shock and Impact IX.
* Baum, J.D., Hegemier, G.A., et al., Coupled Modeling of Steel Plate Response to Blast Loading Using a Coupled CFD/CSD Methodology, ISIEMS (International Symposium of the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures) Proceedings, Germany, May 2009.
* Hegemier, G. et al., The UCSD Blast Simulator. Proceedings of the 77th Shock and Vibration (SAVIAC) Symposium, June 2008, paper U-075, pp. 1-10.
* Rodrigiuez-Nikl, T., Hegemier, G.A., et al., Carbon Fiber Composite Jackets to Protect Reinforced Concrete Columns against Blast Damage, 2009 ASCE Structures Congress Proceedings, Austin Texas, May 2009.
* Baum, J.D., Hegemier, G.A., et al., Modeling of Multi-material Blast/Structure Interactions, Design and Analysis of Protective Structures (DAPS) Conference, Singapore, May 2010, 10 pgs.
Use of Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composites in the design of civil structures
* Hegemier, G., Stewart, L., Application of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers to Reinforced Concrete Bridges, Innovative Bridge Design Handbook, Edited by Alessio Pipinato, Elsevier, 2016, Chapter 30.
* Seible, F., Hegemier, G.A., et al., Shallow Dual Tied Carbon Shell Arch Bridge, CERF (Civil Engineeering Research Foundation) 1996 Innovation Awards Program, Innovative Concepts Award, December 1995, 8 pgs.
* Seible, F., Hegemier, G.A., et al., Carbon Shell Space Truss Bridge, CERF (Civil Engineering Research Foundation) 1996 Innovation Awards Program, Innovation Concepts Award, December 1995, 8 pgs.
* Hegemier, G.A., et al., Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs) for Civil Structures, Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/4), July 6-12, 1997.
* Seible, F., egemier, G.A., et al., The Carbon Shell System for Modular Short and Medium Span Bridges, Proceedings of the1997 International Composites Expo, Nashville, Tennessee, January 27-29, 1997, pp. 3C-1 to 3C-6.
* Karbhari, V., Seible, F., Hegemier, G.A., On the Use of Fiber Reinforced Composites for Infrastructure Renewal-A Systems Approach, Materials for the Millenium, Proceedings of the Fourth Materials Engineering Conference, ASCE, November 10-14, 1996, Vol. 2, pp. 1091-1100.
* Seible, F., Hegemier, G. A., Priestley, Innamorato, D., Developments in Bridge Column Jacketing Using Advanced Composites, FHWA (Federal Highway Administration)/Caltrans (California Transportation Administration) National Seismic Conference on Bridges and Highways, San Diego, California, December 1995
* Karbhari, V., Hegemier, G.A., Zhao, L., Fiber Reinforced Composite Decks for Infrastructure Renewal- Results and Issues, Proceedings of the 1997 International Composites Expo, Nashville Tennessee, January 27-29, pp. 3C-1 to 3C-6.
* Cheng, L., Zhao, L., Karbhari, V. M., Hegemier, G.A., Seible, F., Assessment of a Steel-Free Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Modular Bridge System, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 131, No. 3 March 2005, pp. 498-506.
* Lee, CS., Hegemier, G.A., Model of FRP-Confined Concrete Cylinders in Axial compression, Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol.13, No. 5, pp. 442-454, September/October 2009.
* Lee, CS., Hegemier, G.A., Phillippi, D.J., Analytical Model for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Jacketed Square Concrete Columns in Axial compression, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 107, No. 2, pp, 208-217, March/April 2010.
* Seible, F., Hegemier, G.A., Karbhari, V., Advanced Composites for Bridge Infrastructure Renewal, Proceedings of 4th International Bridge Engineering Conference, Vol. 1, San Francisco, California, August 28-30, 1995, pp. 348-357.
* Zhao,L, Karbhari, V.M., Hegemier, G.A., Seible, F., Connection of Concrete Barrier Rails to FRP Bridge Decks, Composites, Part B: Engineering, Vol. 35, No.4, pp. 269-278, 2004.
* Laursen, P.T., Seible, F., Hegemier, G.A., Innamorato, D., Seismic Retrofit and Repair of Masonry Walls with Carbon Overlays, Proceedings of the 2nd International RILEM Symposium on Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Ghent, Belgium, August 23-25, 1995, pp. 616-623.
Modeling of reinforced concrete
* Hegemier, G.A., Murakami, H., Hageman, L.J., On Tension Stiffening in Reinforced Concrete, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 4, 1985, pp. 161-179.
* Murakami, H., Hegemier, G.A., On Simulating Steel-Concrete Interaction in Reinforced Concrete, Part 1: Theoretical Development, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 5, 1986, pp. 171-185.
* Hageman, L.J., Murakami, H., Hegemier, G.A., On Simulating Steel-Concrete Interaction in Reinforced Concrete, Part 11: Validation Studies, Mechanics of Materials, Vol.5, 1986, pp. 187-197.
* Hegemier, G.A., Murakami, H., On Global Shear Transfer Across a Crack or Joint Plane Penetrated by Continuous Fiber Reinforcement with Application to Reinforced Concrete, Int. J. Solids Structures, Vol. 26, 1990, pp. 1115-1131.
Bridge engineering
* Phillippi, D., Hegemier, G.A., Simplified Two-Column Analytically Based Fiber Model, ACI Structural Journal, March 2017, 114 (2)
* Phillippi, D., Hegemier, G.A., Shear Loading in Two-Column Bridge Bents, ACI Journal, November 2014, 111 (6),
* Lomiento, G., Benessio, N., Benzoni, G., Hegemier, G.A., Capacity Assessment of V-Shaped RC Bridge Bents, Journal of Bridge Engineering, May 2013,
* Phillippi, D., Hegemier, G.A., Use of Mechanical Couplers in Concrete Columns, Architectural Engineering Conference, April 2013,
Composite materials
* Shkoller, S., Hegemier, G.A., Homogenization of Plain Weave Composites Using Two-Scale Convergence, Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol. 32, NO. 6/7, 1996, pp. 783-794.
* Murakami, H., Impelluso, T., Hegemier, G.A., Development of a Mixture Model for Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Fiber-Reinforced Composites, Int. J. Solids Struct., 1991, 19 pgs.
* Murakami, H., Hegemier, G.A., A Mixture Model for Unidirectionally Fiber-Reinforced Composites, J. Appl. Mech., Vol. 108, 1986, pp. 765-773.
* Hegemier, G.A., Finite Amplitude Elastic-Plastic Wave Propagation in Laminated Composites, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No. 10, (1974), pp. 4248-4253.
* Hegemier, G.A., Gurtman, G.A., Finite Amplitude Elastic-Plastic Wave Propagation in Fiber-Reinforced Composites, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No.10, (1974) pp. 4254-4261.
* Gurtman, G.A., Hegemier, G.A., A Mixture Theory for Wave Guide-Type Propagation and Debonding in Laminated Composites, Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol. 11, (1975) pp. 973-984.
* Hegemier, G.A., Mixture Theories with Microstructure for Wave Propagation and Diffusion in Composite Materials, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Continuum Models for Discrete Systems, Mont Gabriel, Quebec, June-July 1997, J.W. Provan and H.H.E. Leipholz (eds.) Study No. 12, University of Waterloo Press. Also, Solid Mech. Arch. 3, Vol. 1 (1998), pp. 33-71.
* Hegemier, G.A., Gurtman, G.A., Nayfeh, A.H., A Continuum Mixture Theory of Wave Propagation in Laminated and Fiber-Reinforced Composites, Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol. 9 (1973).
* Hegemier, G.A., Nayfeh. A. H., A Continuum Theory for Wave Propagation in Laminated Composites. Case 1: Propagation Normal to the Laminates, J. Appl. Mech. Trans. ASME, Vol. 40 (1973) pp. 503-510.
* Murakami, H., Hegemier, G.A., A Nonlinear Mixture Model for Metal Matrix Composites, ASME Proceedings of PVP Conference, San Diego, June 28-July 2, 1987, PVP Vol. 121, PD 11, pp. 97-104.
* Hegemier, G. A., Murakami, H., Maewal, A., On Construction of Mixture Theories for Composite Materials by the Method of Multi-Variable Asymptotic Expansions, Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Continuum Models of Discrete Systems, Freudenstadt, Germany, June 1979, 18 pgs.
* Hegemier, G.A., Bache, T.C., A General Continuum Theory with Microstructure for Wave Propagation in Elastic Laminated Composites, J. Appl. Mech. Trans. ASME, Vol. 41, No.1 (1974), pp.
* 101-105.
* Murakami, H., Hegemier, G.A., A Mixture Theory for Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Angle-Ply Laminates, Mech. Today, Vol.5 (S. Nemat-Nasser, Ed.), Pergamon Press, 1980, pp. 329-349.    
* Murakami, H., Hegemier, G.A., Gurtman, G., A Nonlinear Mixture Theory for Quasi-One-Dimensional Heat Conduction in Fiber Reinforced Composites, Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol. 16, 1980, pp. 421-432.
* Murakami, H., Maewal, A., Hegemier, G.A., A Mixture Theory with a Director for Linear Elasto-Dynamics for Periodically Laminated Composites, , Vol.17, 1981, pp. 155-173.
* Maewal, A., Bache, T., Hegemier, G.A., A Continuum Model for Diffusion in Laminated Composite Media, J. Heat Transfer Trans. ASME, Vol.98, No. 1 (1976), pp. 133-138.
* Murakami, H., Maewal, A., Hegemier, G.A., A Mixture Theory for Heat Conduction in Laminated Composites, Z. Agnew. Math. Mech., Vol. 61 (1981), pp, 305-314.
* Murakami, H., Maewal, A., Hegemier, G.A., A Mixture Theory for Longitudinal Wave Propagation in Unidirectional Composites with Cylindrical Fibers of Arbitrary Cross Section, 1 Formulation, Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol. 15, No. 4, 1979, pp. 325-334.
* Murakami, H., Maewal, A., Hegemier, G.A., A Mixture Theory for Longitudinal Wave Propagation in Unidirectional Composites with Cylindrical Fibers of Arbitrary Cross Section, 1l Computational Procedure, Int, J. Solids Struct., Vol. 15, No. 4, 1979, pp. 335-357
* Murakami, H., Hegemier, G.A., Maewal, A., A Mixture Theory for Thermal Diffusion in Unidirectional Composites with Cylindrical Fibers of Arbitrary Cross Section, Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol.14, No.9, 1978, pp. 732-737.
Applied Physics and Geophysics
* Hegemier, G. A., Tzung, F., Stress Wave Generation inn a Temperature-Dependent Absorbing Solid by Impulsive Electromagnetic Radiation, J. Appl. Mech. Trans. ASME, Vol. 37 (1970), pp. 339-344.
* Hegemier, G.A., Morland, L.W., Stress Waves in a Temperature-Dependent Viscoelastic Half-Space Subjected to Impulsive Electromagnetic Radiation, AIAA J., Vol. 7, No. 1 (1969) pp. 35-41.
* Asaro, R.J., Hegemier, G.A., Maewal, A., Constitutive Behavior of Crystalline Materials, in Modeling the Deformation of Crystalline Solids, Proceedings of TMS-AIME Symposium, ed. Terry C. Lowe, Anthony D. Rollett, Paul S. Follansbee and Glenn S. Daehu, 1991, pp. 3-36.
* Murakami, H., Hegemier, G.A., Development of a Nonlinear Continuum Model for Wave Propagation in Jointed Media: Theory for a Single Joint Set, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 8, 1989, pp. 199-218.
* Murakami, H., Impelluso, T., Hegemier, G.A., A Continuum Finite Element for Single-Set Jointed Media, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 31, 1991, pp. 1169-1194.
* Hegemier, G.A., Read, H.E., On Deformation and Failure of Brittle Solids: Some Outstanding Issues, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 4, 1985, pp. 215-259.
* Read, H.E., Hegemier, G.A., Strain Softening of Rock, Soil and Concrete, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 3, 1984, pp. 271-294.
* Shkoller, S., Maewal, A., Hegemier, G.A., A Dispersive Continuum Model of Jointed Media, Q. Appl. Math., Vol. LII, No.3, 1994, pp. 381-498.
* Arya, S.K., Hegemier, G.A., On the Numerics of Jointed Media, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Zurich, Switzerland, 1982, 16 pgs.
* Nagy, G., Murakami, H., Hegemier, G.A., Florance, A., Experimental and Analytical Study of the Dynamic Response of Low Porosity Brittle Rock, J. Geophysical Res., Vol. 98, No. B12, December 1993, pp. 22,081-22,094.
* Hegemier, G.A., and Read, H.E., Strain Softening, Theoretical Foundations for Large-Scale Computations for Nonlinear Material Behavior, ed. S. Nemat-Nasser, et al., Martinas Nijhoff Publishers, 1984, 415 pgs.
Aerospace structures
* Hegemier, G.A., Application of the Direct Method of Liapunov to a Class of Cylindrical Shell Stability Problems, in Thin Shell Structures: Theory, Experiment and Design, Y.C. Fung and E.E. Sechler (eds.), Prentice Hall, Inc., 1974, pp. 83-101.
* Hegemier, G.A., Instability of Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Axisymmetric Moving loads, J Appl. Mech., Vol. 33, No.2 (1996), pp. 289-296.
* Hegemier, G.A., Stability of Cylindrical Shells under Moving Loads by the Direct Method of Liapunov, J. Appl. Mech. Trans. ASME, Vol. 34 (1967) pp. 991-998.
* Hegemier, G.A., Prager, W., On Michell Trusses, Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol. 11 (1969), pp. 209-215.
* Shieh, R.C., Hegemier, G.A., Prager, W., Closed-Form Solutions to Problems of Wave Propagation in a Rigid Work-Hardening, Locking Rod, Int J. Solids Struct., Vol. 5 (1969), pp. 1095-1105.
* Hegemier, G.A., Tzung, F., The Influence of Damping on the Snapping of a Shallow Arch under a Step Pressure Load, AIAA J., Vol. 7, No. 8 (1969).
* Hegemier, G.A., Tang, H.T., A Variational Principle, the Finite Element Method, and Optimal Structural Design for Given Deflection, in Optimization in Structural design, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium, Warsaw Poland, 1973, A. Sawczuk and Z, Mroz. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1975, pp. 464-483.
* Bache, T. C., Hegemier, G.A., On Higher-Order Elastodynamic Plate Theories, J. Appl. Mech. Trans. ASME, Vol.41, No.2 (1974), pp. 423-428.
* Hegemier, G.A., Nair, S., A Nonlinear Dynamical for Heterogeneous, Anisotropic, Elastic Rods, AIAA J., Vol. 15, No.1 (1976), pp. 8-15.
* Nair, S., Hegemier, G.A., Stability of Faired Underwater Towing Cables, J. Hydronaut., Vol. 13, No.1, 1979, pp. 20-27.
* Nair, S., Hegemier, G.A., Effect of Initial Stresses on the Small Deformations of a Composite Rod, AIAA J., Vol.16, No.3 (1978), pp. 212-217.
* Hegemier, G.A., Shkoller, S., Moesslacher, K.J., On the Prediction of Petal Evolution in Hypervelocity Impact Events, Proceedings of the 1998 ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Div., Vol.373, pp. 229-236
Applied mathematics
* Hegemier, G.A., On Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with Exponential Coefficients, Q. Appl. Math, Vol. 26, No. 3 (1968), pp. 389-401.
* Hegemier, G.A., On Nonlinear Steady-State Solutions to Moving load Problems, Q. Appl. Math., Vol. 26, No. 2, (1968), pp. 239-248.
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