Beyond Postmodernism

BEYOND POSTMODERNISM is also referred to by the term: post-postmodernism. The goal of this article is to go beyond postmodernism and not to go back to good old (modern) times. Beyond postmodernisme is not the same thing as post-postmodernisme in the sense that we don't have to wait till the end of postmodernism. Beyond postmodernism is another (parallel) dimension of the world in which we are living. Beyond Postmodernism is happening now. Before adressing the subject of this article - which is not an easy excercise - we need to understand the nature of Postmodernisme. What is it? How did it come into being? How can we go beyond it? Please fasten your seatbelts, this the reel stuff!



Postmodernism is an influentual movement in arts, architecture and philosophy starting at the end of the 19th century. The father of postmodernism, Friedrich Nietzsche, introduced the concept of postmodernism into Western society with his saying: "God is dead". Nietzsche's "Ubermensch" doesn't believe anymore in old ideologies and dogmas (end of the big narratives, Lyotard). For the Ubermensch a new time has come; Values and thruths are first and for all the result of his or her personal choices. What is true for Nietzsche's Ubermensch is also applicable to postmodern individuals at the beginning of the 21st century. In this sense one can say that postmodern philosophy fits perfectly to modern society.


Postmodern philosophy is positive and pragmatic in the sense that it tries to liberate thinking and public debate. Postmodernism stimulates people to think for themselves and to make up their own mind through critical analysis and debate. The idea of "deconstruction" provides postmodern individuals with even more tools and competences. People should get sensitive to "what is not written", "what is not said" or "the white between the lines" (Derrida). itself is a nice example of postmodern pluralism and relativism in the sense that it empowers individuals to develop and express their own hyperthruth. In a postmodern society we try to avoid imposing our own ideas and thinking to others. In addition, we don't judge other individuals for what they think or say. Postmodernism is first and for all about respecting other person's opinions and ideas. This is the valuable contribution that postmodern philosophy brought to Western thinking.


The ideas of Nietzsche, like "der Wille zur Macht" contributed to a very creative period in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. The movies of german cineasts, like Lang (Metropolis, 1927), Wegener (The Golem 1920) and Murnau (Faust, 1926) all express the same intuition of a strange force suppressing human liberty. Later on also in Hollywood, cineasts, like Whale (Frankenstein, 1931) and Chaplin (modern times, 1936) express their unease with something out-there that is taking away our freedom, a monster in case of Whale, a machine in Modern Times. For a lot of scolars this sentiment of fear in the early 20 century was due to the rise of the new industrial age and the global modern economy. Despite the rebellion of artists againt the new modern society, the big machines were there to stay and people should learn to live with them. Then the second world war broke out.


The second world war has been identified as the end of reason or ground zero of humanity. The philosopher Theodor Adorno has been putting it into these words: "writing poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric". Post-war Europe stood strong in the belief that people should stand-up against any ideology offencing human dignity and liberty. The second half of 20th century has shown human beings all over the world taking destiny into their own hands, like the fall of the Berlin wall, the opening up of communistic Russia and china, and so on. Today we are living in a world more open and transparant than ever before. Some say that the end of history has arrived. The system of human rights, democracy and free trase will establish happiness and ever lasting peace on earth (Fukuyama). However, the beginning of the 21st century has shown that the world is confronted with new challenges and dangers, like climate change, globalization and terrorism. History has not come to an end at all, but will most probaly accelerate in the years to come.


No, we cannot say so. Modern independent individuals or "cosmopolites" are not necessairilly postmodern. Most people still believe but the objet of their faith has shifted towards other things, like the future, carreer, the enterprise, the invisible hand, family, oneself... Some philosophers say that we believe more than ever before. Off course, believing is a normal human thing; The average human being cannot live without it. But, if we want to go beyond postmodernism we should try to define the nature of postmodernism as clearly as possible. Postmodernism is not just about being an independent individual realizing oneself in modern society. Being postmodern also means assuming our absurd existence in this infinite, cold and dark universe (Camus). Things are not what they look like. We should go beyond the apperances of the visible if we wish to enter the world beyond postmodernisme.


YES and NO! YES, we are still in the domain of reason, but at a new level of consciousness. NO, because the notion of "Beyond Postmodernism" doesn't fit into classical definitions and concepts. New categories, languages and images are needed to express the thing we are talking about here; A thing that we cannot define and know as such (Kant). Some speak about the need to rediscover an original poetic language (Heidegger). Others are trying to give "le sacré" a place in philosophy, like in the works of Levinas, Eliade and Otto. The Holy defined as the reel "par excellence" or the infinite Other. The modern world cannot exist without a certain noblesse without le sacré. If we want humanity to exist, modern man needs to go beyond postmodernism and develop a new state of mind. The answer lies in becoming sprirital (homo religiosos, Eliade). The destiny of man is to become aware of his spriritual nature and capabilities. For this, again, we don't have to wait for the end of postmodernism. Beyond postmodernism is NOW!


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