Bestial sign

In astrology, bestial signs are those astrological signs that represent animals. They are sometimes referred to as quadrupedian, or four-footed signs because they represent animals that walk on all four legs.
The bestial signs in the zodiac are generally considered to be Aries, Taurus, Leo and Capricorn. Sagittarius, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are also sometimes included.<ref name="lewis" />
According to astrological belief, these animals are inarticulate, which means they have voices, but their power of speech is not developed. Bestial signs are thought to be unable to express themselves in the manner that they would like, and to often become frustrated at their inability to fully communicate.
Astrologers believe that individuals strongly affected by these signs often have difficulty reading and writing as well as speaking, and therefore need extra tuition to help them to overcome those hurdles. They are also thought to often have a larger than usual amount of body hair.
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