Best People

Best People is the great international encyclopedia, founded on September 17, 1999 at the initiative of the United Nations and the Presidents of the participating countries and including information about persons, which achieved outstanding results and plan to continue to work in the interests of their countries. Entry in encyckiopedia is often mentioned in the mass media.
Since 2002 to 2012 the encyclopedia was published by the “Special Address” publishing house. In 2006 the Encyclopedia made an all-Russian "Top of Best People. Country votes" poll. The integration with the editorial offices of the encyclopedias “Best People of Kazakhstan”, “Best People of Ukraine” and the Belarusian publishing house “Europe Special Address” begins in 2007. “Gifted Children of Armenia” project started at the end of 2014.
Terms of publication
Te applicant should receive a recommendation from the local authorities to get to the Encyclopedia. Article up to 300 characters is published free of charge.
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