
The BelnaOs is an Operating System being developed by the Belnasoft Group. It is written
in and is built of the Linux Kernel. It plans to be finished
by November 11, 2011. From the small town of DeLand, Florida, The project is an OS than plans to take some of the computer market share from Microsoft and Apple Inc., the project does not wish to interfere with Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X, but make an Operating System compatible enough for the upcoming Belnasoft MyBox Laptop.
BelnaOs began as a Haiku distribution. It was developed but Belnasoft saw it didn't have the capabilities to compete with Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
The group then made the switch to Linux, noticing it had quite the capabilities to compete.
Belnasoft BelnaOs will be able to run on most modern day Computers, Including Apple's line of Intel products. And on most Personal computers.. BelnaOs plans to be an Operating System both a Home User and an Enterprise User can use.

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