
Belketre was a black metal band involved in the notorious Les Légions Noires (The Black Legions). They first formed under the name Chapel of Ghouls in 1989, and later changed their name to Zelda in 1991. Upon joining The Black Legions in 1992, they changed their name to Belketre.

After releasing Petrified 'zine #3 Vlad Tepes/Belketre threatened to kill Jon/FMP because he listed their address and reviewed their material in the magazine. Jon promised The Black Legions if they stepped foot on his property they would go home in body bags. The Black Legions/Full Moon Productions feud continued in the second issue of "Kill Yourself Magazine" from Finland. They haven't communicated with each other ever since.

* (1993)
* (1994)
* The Dark Promise (1994)
* Ambre Zuèrkl Vuorhdrévarvtre (1996)

* March to the Black Holocaust (1995)

* Ambre Zuetki Vuordrevartre (2001)
* Ambre Zuetki Vuordrevartre (2002)
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