BBMMO is a term used to describe a Massively Multiplayer experience that takes place via your browser, or browser plug-ins. More often then not, a player is represented by an 'Avatar', whether it is a pet, a person, or a customizable character. Examples of BBMMO's include, or

Virtual Worlds
BBMMO's typically have a virtual world or universe everything takes place in. This can be anything from static images, to flash maps, or even an interface allowing a character or avatar to walk around in.

First Generation BBMMO's are largely text based and controlled via html menu selections such as drop downs or buttons. They often involved a lot of strategy and are considered by some to be a 'numbers' game. These games often provide a set number of turns a player can make per day.

Second Generation BBMMO's became popularized by the introduction of neopets in late 1999. When neopets became funded it brought a new light to how new technologies such as flash could enhance the BBMMO experience, using interactive maps, games, and activities, all tied together with a community, virtual currency, and virtual items.

Third Generation BBBMO's have become popularized with browser plug-in's such as flash or java providing an immersive experience via a single interface. Although Habbo Hotel had been doing it since 2000, Club Penguin and other smaller BBMMO's have begun popularizing this method, and is considered by most to be the next evolution of BBBMO's.
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