
The base58 encoding scheme uses 58 characters. It is a binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format.
Satoshi Nakamoto invented the base58 encoding scheme when creating bitcoin.
The main difference between base58 and base62 is that base58 does not use the 0 (zero), I (capital i), O (capital o) and l (lower case L). In some fonts these 0OIl characters look the same. By not using those characters it eliminates human reading errors. The base64 also uses the + and / characters (and = for padding). Some messaging and social media systems line brake on non-alphanumeric strings. This is avoided by not using charaters like +, /, !, #, and so on. In Decentralized identifiers the World Wide Web Consortium also uses the base58 scheme. Base58 is the default encoding used for content identifiers in the InterPlanetary File System and other systems that use its CID Specification.
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