Barracuda Web Server

Barracuda Web Server (BWS) is an embeddable, cross-platform, HTTP web server engine that is optimized for embedded devices and used to implement Dynamic web pages and RESTful services. When embedded in remote-monitoring and control-management applications, BWS provides secure HTTP communication and management for Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet of things connected devices via various modes of Human-Machine Interface.
Server applications are written in C/ or by using C Server Pages (CSP). The C Server Pages allow an injection of C/C++ code into HTML template files by use of special tags to provision dynamic web applications and live updating of secure data by an authenticated connection. The technology concept is similar to other server-side technologies such as JSP, PHP, or ASP. A special linker combines all the data files into a single file, which is embedded in the application.
* Websocket Functionality
* Transport Layer Security (TLS) support for single or Mutual authentication, via SharkSSL or OpenSSL.<ref namePartI /><ref namePartII />
* Cross-platform, supports most RTOS environments such as FreeRTOS/LwIP, ThreadX, VxWorks.
* RESTful Web Services and AJAX support
* Flexible virtual hosting
* Web server event mechanism performance - and
* Dynamic web page support via CSP or C/C++
* Extensive C/C++ Web API similar to servlets
* Light-weight (150 kB)
* Single or Multi-Threading, (No processes or threads started per connection).
* Server Side Includes
* Form-based authentication, Basic access authentication, Digest MD5 Authenticaton
* Resumed download, HTTP proxy support
* GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE methodology
* Virtual File System
* Support for event notification scheme
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