B2C Jewels

B2C Jewels is an online diamond jewelry retail store started by Yomesh Shah on the basis of their 30-year-old New York business. B2C Jewels LLC is in to online retailing of diamond jewelry, loose diamonds and other jewelry. The company is headquartered in New York, NY on 576 5th Avenue. Though their sole head office is located in Manhattan, they carry out trade purely online.
An online jewelry retail store was launched in August 2007 with the name B2C Jewels as the parent company's retail business was not growing further. To offer a much better price, Shah included the element of personalizing the jewelry on the site. Since the launch, B2C Jewels has had more than $1.2 million in sales from the site. Last year, it had $25 million in overall sales.
When the American economy was on a decline and Mr. Shah couldn’t find a substantial growth in his wholesale diamond business, he decided to introduce an online jewelry and loose diamond store hoping to excavate new ways of income through their diamond experience and thus reach a wider customer group. Mr. Shah believed that by getting rid of the middlemen and wholesalers, he could cut off on their profit margins and thus offer a better pricing to the customer.
Mr Shah, a graduate student from GIA has researched lot on diamonds and has lectured many times on the subject. According to him diamonds come in every color of the rainbow.
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