Azibo Nosology

The Azibo Nosology, originally created by Daudi Ajani ya Azibo in 1989, is a psychological diagnostic tool for African Descent People (ADP). The Nosology emerged in response to perpetual misdiagnosis and over-diagnosis of ADPs in Western society based on the DSM. Through the DSM, ADPs are often diagnosed as having more severe and antisocial symptoms and disorders. Like the DSM, the Azibo Nosology is an organized system for diagnosing disorders and pathologies.
The Azibo Nosology has three tenets. In 2015, an updated version, the Azibo Nosology II, was released and contains diagnostic criteria for 55 disorders.
Daudi Ajani ya Azibo
Daudi Ajani ya Azibo is the main author of the Azibo Nosology and the Azibo Nosology II. As an undergraduate student at Rider University, he pursued research investigating college drop out rates of ADPs. This study motivated him to study psychology. He continued to earn his doctoral degree from Washington University in St. Louis where he was first introduced to an African-centered perspective.
Misdiagnosis of African Descent Peoples
ADPs have often been misdiagnosed or harmfully diagnosed throughout the history of Eurocentric psychology. Perpetual misdiagnosis often leads to ADPs underutilizing mental health treatment services or ending mental health treatment prematurely. Instead of a cross-cultural approach based on Eurocentric standards, Azibo proposed an African-centered diagnostic tool based on African-centered psychological theories, instruments, and data collection.
#The nature of the relationship between personality order and disorder
#The utter criticality of the self in personality or mental order and disorder
#The reality that values are fundamentally inherent in the diagnostic process
Classification of Disorders
Azibo Nosology I
The Azibo Nosology I, released in 1989, contains 18 Afrocentric culture-focused disorders. It is possible for an ADP to experience a peripheral disorder and still be correctly oriented with their African origins.
* Nonracially Biogenetic Disorders - personality characteristics or behavior patterns that might present general issues. However, despite this intention, the Azibo Nosology has been largely ignored in Eurocentric psychology and psychiatry.<ref name=":3" />
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