Austrian International Sex School

The Austrian International Sex School was the world's second school of applied sexuality. The school was said to be situated a half an hour drive from Vienna, Austria in an 18th-century mansion, with Ylva Maria Thompson as the founder and headmistress of the school. The school was said to offer theoretical core education in German language and also practical lessons with classmates. Theoretical classes were taught, and "research" was supposedly practiced by a group of professors in applied sexuality. None of the mentioned professors was actually involved in the project. Anyone over the age of 16 was said to be able to enroll in the school.
At the time it was expected that the controversial school would open, spokespersons revealed that the campaign was a hoax, hatched by an Austrian advocacy group known as The Bird Base in order to raise awareness about the country’s low birth rate in Austria and to draw attention to the inequities in that country's pension system.
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