Australia Times

The Australia Times is an online newspaper published by Multimedia Australia.
The newspaper covers World, National, Asia Pacific, Business, Entertainment, Technology & IT, Health and Science news.
News is updated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with articles contributed both from third party news agencies as well as in-house journalists.
On 5 May 2010 the Australia Times became the first Australian newspaper to publish a digital newspaper edition through its Australia Times Reader software.
On 27 May 2010 the Australia Times became the first Australian newspaper to publish an edition that can be viewed on Apple iPads, although the presentation is different to that of The Australian newspaper's iPad application. Its digital edition can also be read on other reading devices that support the EPUB format.
The publisher of the Australia Times, Multimedia Australia, is located in Brisbane, in the state of Queensland, Australia.
In addition to the newspaper's main site, mobile device users are also able to read content via the Australia Times mobile site at, with news content also shared to other mobile news service providers.
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