Audrey Seiler

Audrey Seiler is best known for faking her own abduction on the night of March 27, 2004.
A native of Rockford, Minnesota and a Rockford High School 2002 graduate, Seiler enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where the crime took place.
A video surveillance camera captured her leaving her apartment at 2:30 AM. The police were later informed of her disappearance and a massive manhunt began along with a search and rescue mission.
The news story was broadcasted nationwide on television stations such as CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. A scene displayed on television also included Rockford High School faculty members singing Kumbaya on the lawn of the Seiler family home.
The fallout of the fake abduction cost the police department nearly $100,000.
A play written by John Sable entitled "Audrey Seiler, Where Are You?" was created after the incident and shown at the Broom Street Theater.
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