
Audiojack is an audio-based movie for the mind. There are only sound effects in an Audiojack. No words, music or video are allowed. Listeners hear sounds that are put together to tell a story. A narrative is present within each Audiojack, but the story is seldom revealed to ensure that there is no wrong answer. People who listen to an Audiojack are forced to use their imagination to create the story. Audio editing software is used to create an Audiojack like GarageBand , ProTools, and other programs.
Sound effects are made or pulled from libraries that are royalty free or purchased for licensing by the end user.
Audiojacks are used in various forms of education and across language barriers. Since these use sound effects and foley they can be interpreted by any user than can hear. The blind community also uses Audiojack in the same manner as non-inhibited listeners.
Audiojack was invented by David Tobin.
The official site for Audiojack is
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