
The Atavus are a fictional race of humanoid aliens appearing in the Earth: Final Conflict science fiction series. Several variations of Atavus have been observed in the series and their supposed history is confusing. The three versions of the Atavus are the Season 2 "monster" version, the season 4 combined Taelon-Jaridian version, and the Season 5 "Energy Vampire" version. All have been called the Atavus.
The Atavus race are the progenitors of the Taelons and Jaridians.
The Atavus shown in season five, who use the term as the true name for their species, use inter-dimensional travel to move between stars. At one stage, a rebellious faction established an isolated colony on Earth.
The Atavus species as a whole encountered the Kimera at some point eight to ten million years prior to the events of the series. The Kimera allegedly altered the Atavus, transforming most of them into the Season 4-type, though the colony on Earth remained unaffected.
The Atavus colony on Earth was forced underground by asteroids three million years prior to the series, where they lay dormant in stasis chambers until they are resurrected when Liam Kincaid (Robert Leeshock) joins the Taelon and Jaridian species together.
Biological characteristics
The Season 5-type Atavus appear as humanoids. However, they have one major distinction; laser-like claws that protrude from their fingers. These are used to drain the life force of sentient creatures. This is their method of feeding. The fifth season Atavus, unlike their Taelon counterparts, appear to be more transparently evil, and are highly emotional and sexual beings. Another distinguishing characteristic is the presence of slight ridges on their foreheads, which resemble a more pronounced version of the contours on Taelon heads.
The season 4-type Atavus contains elements of both Jaridian and Taelon physiology, resembling a physical cross of a Taelon wearing his facade, and a Jaridian. They are seen only briefly, but possess the shaqarava, which they can use to channel energy into destructive blasts.
The season 2-type Atavus do not closely resemble any of the other species beyond being humanoid in appearance. They also possess the shaqarava and can use it to emit energy blasts or to drain the life force from a victim. These Atavus appear to be quite athletic. These Atavus arise when a Taelon's connection to the Commonality, their group sentience, is severed.
Additionally, the season 5-type Atavus use their technology to turn some humans into Atavus/Human hybrids. While these hybrids looked human, they possessed much of the strength and speed of the Atavus, as well as the energy claws and the need to feed on human life force.
Social structure
The Atavus group resurrected on Earth is led by an individual named Howlyn, his mate is Juda. The Atavus leaders seem to acquire their position based on physical strength and prowess in individual combat with other Atavus.
There also appears to be a type of hereditary nobility at work within the culture of this type of Atavus, which is responsible for some of their machinations and maneuvering.
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