Astronomy Club of Kosova

Astronomy Club of Kosovo or in (), is the first science activity and the highest distribution of astronomy throughout Albanian areas with the aim to build, promote, popularize and bring the knowledge of science and astronomy in the Republic of Kosovo and the region.
Founded on March 20, 2014 by a group of passionate students who share the passion for the art of astronomy and everything related to it. ACK, leadership structure, is made up of 3 original founders Suhel Ahmeti, Pranvera Hyseni and Dardan Gashi later consisting of 3 other founders such as Nurtene Gavazi, Arber Halili and Hava Jahaj.
President & Founder: Suhel Ahmeti, Board Members (15 representatives altogether, representing the highest decision-making structure), Leader of the Assembly Members: Muhamed Zeqiri, Secretary: Pranvera Begolli, Board Members: Sabit Gashi, Shpresa Mehmeti, Flaktrim Rrahimi, Rina Berisha and numerous members and volunteers who are active with our events and contribute their time to the benefit of the community.

The group initially came together as only lovers of astronomy, with simple tools that each member of the group had in their homes, slowly growing into a more serious group with scheduled meetings for stargazing, discussions about astronomy and ways that the group can impact the community. After a long activity, when the number of members increased. Astronomy Club of Kosovo, decided to establish as an NGO official association of young people in Kosovo. The NGO has been registered in late 2014,
Astronomy in Kosovo is left behind, maybe because this field is costly or the conflict on the Balkans in 1999, had an impact on the economic development and other processes important for development of the country. Kosovo has the youngest population in Europe and is on the road towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration. Kosovo is still in the transition phase, and most of the astronomy teaching that is done in schools is done in a most impractical way and all in theory. The club's aims are to bring practical experience where it is needed and to use every opportunity to teach teachers who own telescopes but do not know how to convey their usage to students. an Albanian scientist who lectures at the University of Kuwait and has worked for NASA. The club also follows rare astronomical events, such as planetary movements or alignments, visible comets, solar or lunar eclipses, and engages in astrophotography. bring Affiliates into Astronomers Without Borders and organize and expedite AWB programs in their countries. They also represent their country in discussions of global projects. In 2016, the Astronomy Club of Kosovo became the official representative and coordinator of Astronomers Without Borders for Albania and Kosovo. This global community of astronomers operates under the motto "One People - One Sky," representing the Republic of Kosovo internationally in the field of astronomy. Future plans include visits abroad to bring international experience to Kosovo.
Observatory of Pristina
In 1977, some young people had established "Kosovo Young Researchers", among which was the astronomy club. At that time, the astronomy club was practicing its activity at the Dome Observatory and the office located near the Palace of Youth and Sports in Pristina.
Through this dome, various astronomical observations have been made, collaborating with regional clubs, organizing study tours etc. The construction and origin of this dome is from the United States, Illinois.
Whereas today, after the declaration of Kosovo's Independence, it is expected that this observatory will be re-fictionalized and reintroduced again by Astronomy Club of Kosovo. The aim is to organize public events, observing rare astronomical events, by carrying out observations, scientific discoveries, opening to the public and giving them opportunities and approaches. Just as many countries and clubs in the world have their own observatories, our goal is to become the center of the different amateur and professional astronomers.
In the 1980s, the observatory at the "Youth Center" in Pristina which was once called "Boro & Ramiz" was used for scientific and educational purposes, and since that time according to our information, this observatory was no longer used and used for the destination which was built. Finally, our request has been approved by the government and its the matter of time when it will be reopened again for the public as it will also need renovations.<ref name"ACK" /><ref name"Facebook" />
Media Covering
* Astronomy in Kosovo, Passion and Possibilities
* [ 2nd Anniversary of Astronomy Club of Kosovo]
* Afternoon Show at Klan Kosova Channel with ENG Sub
* Mercury Transit organized by ACK at NEWBORN Symbol in capital Pristina
* Summer activities and astronomical events
* The young enthusiasts of astronomy
* [ Astronomy Club of Kosovo celebrating "Youth Day"]
* [ The knowledge of science & astronomy in Kosovo]
* The passion for Science - Tribuna Channel
* [ Morning show with Shpresa M. & Pranvera B. from ACK]
* [ "SOT" - Education and science in Kosovo (Prof. Dr. Jahja Kokaj)]
* [ Astronomy Festival "AstroFest" in Prizren]
* [ Which is the first observed comet from Kosovo?]
* [ "SOT" - Astronomy Festival in Kosovo]
* [ "Today for Today" - ACK]
* Astronomy Seminar in Ferizaj
* Mercury Transit from Pristina - Rrokum TV
* Mercury Transit observed from Pristina (Public Event)
* Kosovo a Startup Opportunity
* Gravitational Waves explained from Prof. Dr. Jahja Kokaj
* Visions of Beyond Festival - Harilaq Fortress
* Knowledge of Astronomy for younger ages
* Observing the Moon from capital Pristina
* [ "SOT" - Astronomy Festival Opens]
* Education and science in Kosovo
* [ 3rd Anniversary of ACK]
* Association to Support Vocational Education and Training of the Republic of Kosovo
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