Ashar Yahya

Ashar Yahya is a finance enthusiast, founder of MadMax, and redditor known as "Hot_Dog_Dudeson" who was active during the GameStop Short Squeeze in 2021. He lurked on the wallstreetbets from early November to late March 2021 using alias', and was a member of the subreddit before leaving his position. He studied Finance at McGill University in 2020. Ashar was also featured in Study international's student of the week , and his completing his Masters in Finance.
MadMax Crypto Mining
Ashar founded a bitcoin mining company in 2021, MadMax. MadMax currently mines around 0.01 Bitcoin per day, with operations across all timezones, leading to over 0.2 bitcoin being mined per week. MadMax founder Ashar has come under pressure from over 125 miners, who are all university students, for being splitting the profits in an equitable manner. Allegedly, Ashar pays his miners $14/hour, while he pockets over 0.1 BTC per week, and reinvests into further investments. Ashar argues that the initial investment, idea, and risk was all his, and he is being rewarded for that. He also claims that the majority of the miners are in developing countries, and thus when $14 is converted locally, they are paid substantially for their work. Ashar set up a facility with his data processors for MadMax in Montreal, Canada, where he attended McGill University. Another key strategy used by MadMax is sending bitcoin between MadMax's own traders, giving rise to the opportunity to mine more bitcoin, where MadMax miners are able to gain a slight time advantage since the transactions are between MadMax. Ashar envisioned MadMax to operate 24/7, which is why miners have been employed across timezones to work all around the clock. As of 2021, Miners are in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, England, Egypt, Nigeria, India, Bangladesh, China, Japan, and New Zealand. MadMax miners claim Ashar personally transfers their payments across the globe in GBP, however, some miners have reported varying hourly wages.
MadMax also oversees transactions over $5,000 USD per week of Bitcoin and Ethereum through its miners and accounts. MadMax does this by setting up shell companies across the Bahamas in order to money funds around.
Ashar also dumped the majority of the BTC held by Madmax into Dogecoin in early 2021 generating a 3000% return, although he did not inform his 125 miners that he was doing this. In an email sent to a miner in Argentina, Ashar allegedly told them to be "happy" that MadMax was providing them employment during the pandemic. Some within MadMax accuse Mr. Yahya of hyping up DogeCoin using his miners on reddit in an attempt to bolster the price, and dump DogeCoin once he reached his target price of $0.35.
Charity Work
He is also known for starting Cricket for a Cause in Dubai, and has raised over $50,000 for children in developing countries. He claimed the inspiration came to him after visiting developing countries, and seeing how children his age did not have access to a basic education. Dubai Cares has appreciated his efforts for raising funds Ashar's projects have also been citied in a case study at the MBA program where his concept of a samosa Food Truck was used in a discussion.
Portfolio of GME
Ashar says he initially invested in airline stocks at the start of Covid-19, and this allowed him to double his money towards the end of the year. It was then when he came across Wall Street Bets that he saw the short interest in GME, and decided to risk his earnings of $15,000 into the stock. In a reddit post believed to be him , he describes saying "this is Wall Street Bets, not Wall Street Stock Advice- we could lose all of our money, or we could leave as Millionaires." Ashar in another now deleted post, said that one of his past times became making money because "I didn't have many friends in school and people bullied me over my appearance. I spent a lot of time alone during middle school, but by generating these returns, people will want to talk to you and discuss investment opportunities- now my reddit inbox is usually full, and before no one wanted to talk to me" Ashar also said he was "all in" on GME in a reddit post on March 15 2021, Ashar said he used to trade on TD as a Canadian citizen, but was then able to transfer to RobinHood and Interactive Brokers on the basis of being a dual citizen.
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