
Arundu, also spelled as‏ ‏Arandu or Arundpur, is located in Chitral district of Pakistan.
The climate is classified as warm. This location is classified as Csa by Köppen and Geiger. The temperature averages 17.6 °C. The average annual rainfall is 800 mm.
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Gawar-Bati, majority language spoken in
Arandu, which is the last village in the
lower end of Chitral District Therefore, the residence people also call this language
Aranduiwar. Most speakers of .
Urdu and Kohwari is also spoken and understand.
Arundu is located at . It has an average elevation of . Arundu city lies at uneven ridges of low heights. It is surrounded by Lowari range to the north, east and southeast while surrounds it in the north-west. It is approximately from the national capital, Islamabad.
The city spreads around the Kunar river with the old city overlooking it from the north (right bank) while the new neighbourhoods spread around the southern side (left bank) of river. There are four bridges on the river. The fifth bridge on the Tawi river is under construction. The city is built on a series of ridges.
Arundu is lower elevation place in chitral district and tropical weather during summer and normal in winters.
Arundu climate is classified as warm and temperate. The winters are rainier
than the summers in Arundu. This
location is classified as Csa by Köppen
and Geiger. The average annual
temperature is 17.6 C in Arundu. The average annual rainfall is 800 mm.<div style="width:70%;">
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