The Artist Funded project is an artist-run initiative, started by artist Kate Fulton in Melbourne, Australia, which became widely viewed at Melbourne and Sydney artist-run galleries in 2004. Unlike typical gallery based artist-run initiatives, "Artist Funded" takes the form of an open source logo which is available for any artist to redesign and to use. Artist Funded logos are reproduced on exhibition catalogues, invitations, websites, blogs and magazines, or printed on stickers, T Shirts, badges, posters, and have been seen internationally in relation to artist-generated arts activities. Project description The Artist Funded project is designed to raise awareness of the financial and other contributions made by artists towards the various national arts industries. Parodying the logos of corporate and government sponsors that proliferate contemporary arts events, the Artist Funded project is designed to raise awareness to the fundamental importance of the often unpaid contribution of individual and groups of artists to contemporary culture.