Artificial moon

Satellites were originally called artificial moons.
The term is now used to anything put into orbit to reflect sunlight down to Earth, such as a Solar mirror.
In the 1990s Russia experimented with solar mirrors, hoping to reflect sunlight to some of its cities. The first test functioned for a few days before its de-orbit, but the second test failed to unfold and was incinerated in the atmosphere. The project was subsequently scrapped.
China's artificial moons
By 2022, China plans to have three artificial moons in orbit around the Earth. These will shine 8 times brighter than the natural moon. By having this as a light source, China believes it could save over a hundred million dollars a year from the cost of electricity used for streetlights.
There are some concerns about how the absence of a normal day and night cycle will effect the minds and bodies of humans and animals.
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