Articles of Unity

The Articles of Unity, also known as Unity 2020, is a grass roots political movement started by the public intellectual and evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein that seeks to provide an alternative ticket for the 2020 United States presidential election to avoid electing either Joe Biden or Donald Trump. The Unity 2020 ticket will consist of two candidates drafted from the left and the right who have agreed to govern as a team with the president of the ticket being chosen by a coin flip.  They would try to make decisions by consensus and the president would only make a decision in a case that there could not be consensus or in the case of an emergency. Unity 2020 has currently selected Tulsi Gabbard and Dan Crenshaw to be the two candidates but neither person has yet to state publicly if they will run on the ticket. The movement planned to gain ballot access in all 50 states by working with third-parties that already have ballot access and running on their ticket. On September 26, 2020, Weinstein announced on his YouTube channel that they could not foresee a path to victory, and that they are pulling the plug on the 2020 presidential election effort, although the Unity movement will continue.

Bret Weinstein first proposed Unity 2020 by posting a whitepaper entitled "Articles of Unity: A Patriotic Plan To Save Our Republic" on the website Medium on June 29, 2020 that outlined the basic tenets of the proposal.  The largest announcement was on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast episode #1494 on June 18, 2020
According to Weinstein, The Articles of Unity and the Unity 2020 movement stems out of a concern that the current Democratic and Republican parties in the United States are consumed by extreme partisanship and show a lack of leadership at the highest levels of government. In an interview with the National Review, Weinstein argued that many Americans are concerned about corruption, unhappy with the options offered by the two party system, and that that there are a large number of Americans that fall into the “exhausted majority”, which consists of Americans with political opinions between the far left and far right can form the base of support for the Unity 2020 movement for the 2020 United States presidential election.
Bret Weinstein has discussed the Articles of Unity on multiple media outlets.  The concept behind Articles of Unity, as described on its website, is that two candidates would be drafted from the left and the right.  A coin flip decides who runs at the top of the ticket as president.  When elected they would agree to govern as a team.  Only when they do not agree or in the case of war or emergency can the president make a decision without consultation with the vice president.  After four years, the president and vice president would trade positions.
Bret Weinstein outlines three minimum criteria for the two candidates, although he does not define the qualities in detail:
# Patriotic
# Highly capable
# Courageous
The Articles of Unity and the Unity 2020 movement claims that this plan can avoid being a spoiler for the 2020 United States presidential election because it disempowers both Democratic and Republican parties by drawing candidates from both sides of the political divide. There is also a fail safe; if there is no viable path to the presidency for the Unity 2020 ticket then the race will be suspended. They have publicly stated that their ballot access plan for all 50 states involves teaming up with third-party tickets that are already on the ballot and then running on the same ticket.
Articles of Unity and Unity 2020 in the media
Since announcing this on The Joe Rogan Experience, Bret Weinstein has appeared on many media outlets discussing the idea, such as the National Review, Tucker Carlson Tonight, the Triggernometry podcast, and others. Big Think and Reason have also published content about the idea.
In August, Twitter banned the Articles of Unity account.
List of endorsements
* Melissa Chen (journalist)
* Nate Boyer (former professional American football player and Green Beret)
* Eric Weinstein (managing director at Thiel Capital and podcast host)
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