Art Carden

William Arthur (Art) Carden is an assistant professor of economics at the Brock School of Business in Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, a research fellow at The Independent Institute (a libertarian think tank in the United States), and a regular contributor to Forbes and The Washington Examiner. and has contributed to web articles for the Foundation for Economic Education and Mises Daily.
Walmart and big box retail
Carden has researched the economics of big-box retailers, particularly Walmart, and their effect on the retail industry. Based on his research, he has argued that the retail innovations pioneered by Walmart have been highly beneficial to consumers and that the debate over banning Walmart is an instance of the broader debate over freedom versus interventionism.
Carden's academic research was cited by University of Chicago Law School assistant professor Todd Henderson in his paper The Nanny Corporation and the Market for Paternalism. Carden's work has also been cited in a number of books mentioning Walmart, including The Routledge Handbook of Major Events in Economic History, The American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee's, Farm Fields and the Dinner Table, and Rediscovering Fire: Basic Economic Lessons from the Soviet Experiment. Carden was the consultant for Katherine Krieg's book Sam Walton: Founder of the Walmart Empire about Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart. Carden's popular writings, that build on his research, have been cited by others such as Bruce Edward Walker for the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and in an article about the opening of a Walmart store in North Plainfield.
Other research
Carden also does research on economic development (worldwide) and the economic history of the southern United States.
Online writing
Carden writes a regular online column for Forbes titled The Economic Imagination where he applies economic insights to everyday business and life.
For the period April 2013 - December 2013, Carden was a guest blogger for EconLog, where he blogged alongside regular bloggers Bryan Caplan and David R. Henderson and overlapped with other guest bloggers Garett Jones, Alberto Mingardi, and Bart Wilson.
Educational videos
Carden has created a number of educational videos on basic principle of economics for LearnLiberty.
In mainstream media
Carden has also appeared on libertarian talk show host John Stossel's show on the Fox Business Network to discuss price gouging. He has also appeared on Judge Andrew Napolitano's Freedom Watch show.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation interviewed Carden on how small businesses can best cope with competition from Costco.
Carden was interviewed by Roy Williams of Birmingham News.
In niche blogs
Carden has been interviewed by the Mises blog as part of its "Faculty Spotlight" series. Jeffrey Tucker interviewed Carden about the book Essentials of Economics by Faustino Ballve, for which Carden had penned an introduction.
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