is a family history website owned by the Digital Estate Corporation which is based in Canada, with regional offices in the UK and California. For a subscription fee its members can preserve their family history, do personal archiving and pass family memories on to future generations. the site had 100,000 members and has partnerships with, Nations memory bank, Canada150, as well as various libraries and archives. As of 2014, website is no longer available.
Products and services
Members build their current and past family history into life archives. These are made from photographs, biographies, videos, audio, records and certificates. They represent the memories and experiences of ancestors or current family members. Archives can be shared with family or other members via a sharing and invite functionality. Once the Family archives are built, information is turned by the user into albums, biographies, timelines, time-capsules and books.
The site allows personal archives and family history to be passed on down the family line, via an executor, in the form of a digital estate. The company claims that its members have complete ownership of their data and that each page of the site is SSL secure preventing identity theft.
Its blog is regularly posted to by Dr Nick Barratt, family historian and genealogist. Nations Memory bank has an alliance with the Digital Estate Corporation which owns
Business model
Arcalife offers a free account, alongside a paid premium service. The company also sells services like photograph scanning, photo and scrap books as well as charging for storage space
Similar websites and companies
The site appears to be the first well adopted site to formalize personal archiving and allow its user's to pass on material to future generations by allowing the assignment of an executor. Users bequeath their digital estate of memories, experiences and family history to the next generation.
There are some social networking sites that include family history capabilities sush as, and which offer ancestor record search and family tree building capabilities, but none that provides the capability to capture, store and preserve living history for future generations.
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