Arbanaška vera

Arbanaška vera (Alb. Feja Katolike shqiptare) (Eng: Albanian Catholic faith) (German: Albanischen Glauben) was the 14th century Serbian antonomasic denunciation of Catholic Albanians in Shkodër, Zeta, Kosovo, Macedonia and other regions modern day Northern Albania. In the Code of Dusan, the Albanians were mentioned as "latin believers", "heretic latins" or "non-believers" and that if a 'Christian' (Orthodox) would adopt the azymite rite, he was to be exhorted to the Orthodox faith. The term was first used by Pjetër Bogdani in his Cvnevs Prophetarum when he mentioned the "shkietë" (Slavs) using the term to describe the Albanian faith. The term helped create a necessary differentiation of Christian Albanian culture through out the centuries. Other similar etnhonyms for the Albanians were "Arbanaš", "arbanaški", "jezik" or "latins" as it is mentioned in the year 1300 in Shen Gjergjit close to Skopje.
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