
Apps4Brands is a social media conglomerate founded in 2010 that is made up of three social media sites: CloveApp, Involver, and Magnify. Each of these websites accomplish something different. CloveApp lets you organize different social media sites with one social media management desktop application. Magnify lets you aggregate and curate video. You can create your own video channel, customize your page, and build your own playlists.
Involver allows companies to build their own Facebook fan pages with professional applications. It is used by companies of all sizes to engage customers through social media. It allows companies to accomplish four things: Engaging their customers, prospects, employees and other influencers on social networks, attaining attention of influencers through Earned Media, automating the process to lower the cost of investment in new employees and custom solutions and maintaining consistent branding and voice on multiple earned media platforms. It was founded by Rahim Fazal and Noah Horton. It is currently used by over 50,000 companies.
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