App Empire: Make Money, Have a Life, and Let Technology Work for You

App Empire: Make Money, Have a Life, and Let Technology Work for You is a book by Chad Mureta. It chronicles Mureta's transformation from real estate agent to "appreneur" and provides a non-technical guide to starting a mobile app business.
After surviving a car accident that almost ended his life, Mureta borrowed $1,800 from his stepfather to start an app business from his hospital bed. Mureta would go on to found three app companies, developing 46 apps that have been downloaded 35 million times.
App Empire is outlined as a how-to guide for those interested in "cash in on the App gold rush."<ref nameappempire/> The book opens with Mureta's appreneur lifestyle, including scuba diving in Fiji and learning martial arts in Buenos Aires, while managing his app business from his iPhone.<ref nameappempire/> The book goes onto teach lessons like how to emulate and innovate on existing apps in the iOS App Store, how to hire great programmers and how to generate effective marketing into the app.<ref nameappempire/> Mureta also developed the seven pillars of an app business, which he identifies as:<ref nameappempire/>
* Psychology and a Winning Mindset
* Market Research
* App Development and Maintenance
* Analytics and Tweaking
* Marketing and Monetization
* Team and Systems
* Professional Networking
App Empire was featured in The Huffington Post, TechCrunch, The Houston Chronicle, and Mixergy with The Seattle Post-Intelligencer describing the book as "a wonderful book that explains how to make lots of money formulating, building and promoting popular apps."<ref nametechcrunch/><ref nameseattlepi/><ref namehuffpo/><ref namemixergy/>
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