Anus Magillicutty

Anus Magillicutty is a 2003 film. In late 2005 and early 2006, it ranked number 1 on the Internet Movie Database bottom 100 list, meaning that it received the lowest scores among people evaluating films in the site's extensive database. A critic from the State Press Magazine called this the worst film ever, although the film was actually marketed that way, with the State Press quote appearing on the poster. Anus Magillicutty was directed by Morey Fineburgh, and although written by Abraham Fineburgh, there was allegedly no real screenplay.


The film focuses on the character Anus, who is obsessed with alcohol and sex. The story involves Anus' efforts to hide a dead body. Eventually, however, Anus also has a run-in with Satan. As Anus explains to his brother, "Remember that contract we had with Satan? To make us beautiful? ...I think he's come to collect."

The film also features some sexual nude scenes, with the trailer itself showing a man and woman together in the shower, him with his hands over her nude breasts in another scene, and a nude blonde woman playing with a banana.
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