Anttonio Pereira

Anttonio Pereira (born 30 June 1993, in Porto Alegre, Brazil), started his career as an illustrator in animated film with ("The Adventures of the Red Airplane").
Animated films
*Castillo y el Armado
*A Pequena Vendedora de Fósforos (Assistant Art Director)
*O Caçador de Árvores Gigantes (Director)
Children's books
*Essas Maravilhosas Geringonças
*O Menino Que Achava Que Empinava Pipa
*Júnior e sua Bota Espacial
*Betina, a Colecionadora
*Cadê O Saco de Presentes do Papai Noel?
Anttonio Pereira is the owner of Studio Pakoto, a Brazilian animation studio, which as of December 2015 was producing the film O Caçador de Árvores Gigantes, an animation about deforestation and nature preservation.
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