Antoni Blusiewicz Haftka

Antoni Jakub Blusiewicz-Haftka (born 28 September 1944 in Warsaw - died 18 October 1977 in Stuttgart) Polish Jew, leftist terrorist, RAF member.
After completing primary school in Warsaw he moved with his parents to Western Berlin where he continued his education. He passed his high school exams in 1963. He then studied philosophy and sociology at Freie Universitat in Berlin. In 1967 he was relegated from the University for beating up a lecturer. At the arbitration by his fellow colleagues he explained that the lecturer had been “obstinately demonstrating his right-wing views”. He never graduated.
In 1966 he joined National Socialist German Students’ League where he first met RAF members, among the others- Ulrike Meinhof. On 22 October 1971, together with Irmgard Moller and Gerhard Muller, he took part in the first assassination credited to the RAF group. The victim was Sergeant Norbert Shmidt. Blusiewicz-Haftka was the main architect of the attack on the American Army base, in which one American soldier was killed and thirteen were injured. The attack took place on 11 May 1972 in Frankfurt. On the 16 May 1972, together with commanding officer Manfred Grashof, he blew up a car belonging to a federal judge Buddenberg. On the 17 May 1972, together with Isla Stachowiak, he planted a bomb in the Axel Springer building. Seventeen people died in this attack. From that day on until his arrest in June 1972 Blusiewicz-Haftka he never parted with Isla Stachowiak.
On the 1 June 1972 Blusiewicz-Haftka, Andreas Baader, Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins were arrested in Frankfurt. On 21 June 1975 Blusiewicz-Haftka was sentenced to life imprisonment. On 18 October 1977, at night, all four prisoners were found dead in their cells. It was stated that they committed suicide. Blusiewicz-Haftka shot himself. He left a letter in which he only wrote: ‘For Isla’. His gravestone bearing the words: ‘Lud z Nami tudzież z Wami’ (‘All with Us as well as with You’) became a meeting place inspiring the second and the third generation on RAF.
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