Anton Chubenko

Anton Chubenko (October 19, 1974, Kyiv, Ukraine) — LL.D., Prof., Director of Academy of Financial Monitoring
Chubenko is a Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Academic Council on doctoral theses, Member of the Academic Council and Methodological Council of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Chubenko is an author or co-author of more than 50 publications, including 4 monographs and 5 textbooks.
Main Professor Chubenko’s publications include international problems of combating terrorism; developing police security systems; developing of civil protection systems, emergency; prevention and counteraction in the field of money laundering and terrorist financing.
Chubenko is married and has two children.
* 1991 — graduated from school # 107 in Kyiv.
* 1994 — graduated from Lviv State University of Life Safety with honor (earlier - Lviv fire-technical school of MIA of Ukraine).
* 2000 — graduated from the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with honor (NAIAU), specialty "Jurisprudence".
* 2000 — obtained higher economic education at the International Business School, specialty "Finance".
Academic degrees
* In April 2004, Anton Chubenko passed Ph.D. defense on “Legal principles of funding the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine” and got a Ph.D. of Legal science, specialty 12.00.07 (management theory; administrative law and process; finance law; information law).
* In April 2012, Anton Chubenko defended his doctoral thesis on “Theoretical and legal principles of funding the system of civil protection” and received the degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences, specialty 12.00.07.
Professional activities
* 1994-1997 — Inspector of the 4th Independent State Fire Department, Kyiv.
* 2000 — Senior Internal Auditor at the State Audit Service of Ukraine, at the same year was enlisted to the postgraduate studies of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
* 2003-2008 — scientific activity in the Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Fire Safety of the Ministry for Emergencies of Ukraine, the direction is the regulatory and legal support of financial management in the field of civil protection.
* 2008-2012 — scientific and teaching work at the Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs to positions of the Head of the Department of Economic and Law Disciplines, Professor and lecturer.
* 2012-2014 — Chief of department of economic and legal disciplines of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.
* 2014-2017 — Director of State Training Institution of Postgraduate Education “Training Centre for retraining and professional development of experts on financial monitoring issues in the sphere of combating legalization (laundering) of criminal proceeds, and terrorist financing”.
* since 2017 — Director of Academy of Financial Monitoring.
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