Anticorruption Education

Anticorruption Education is new concept in the history of education against corrupting world.
Current Education systems
Modern education is just theory and practical about sciences,humanities, culture and history etc. This system does not tell actual life that now a days is too hard in corruption. so there is a need of an Anti-corruption Education that is understood by large portion of society and word.
Lack of Practical Education against corruption
Due to this lack, there are lot of web pages and books written against this issue. There are blog pages and talk pages, communities etc. for this education's support.
There is a need for a syllabus that makes a man to go through different situations and fight with a vogue to tackle this evil. In Hinduism, there is a time called Satyoga in which there is no corruption and lies at all. World can't go to that condition till the tie comes. But there should be a system to make this word better.Syllabus should be different for school and college levels.
Politicians are against this Education system this is clear from many different news like in India attack on Baba Ramdev and opposing of Annahazare's mission.
Governments make acts like anti corruption acts and Right To Information Acts but they never make them to implement strongly.
lot of people come in favours but there are oppositions in least numbers against implementing such Education System.
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