Anterior fornix erogenous zone

The anterior fornix erogenous zone (also known as the AFE zone, AFE, A-spot, epicenter, deep spot or second G-spot) is reportedly a female erogenous zone that when stimulated can lead to rapid vaginal lubrication and arousal, sometimes without any other form of stimulation, with continued stimulation resulting in an intense orgasm.
Early research
The AFE zone concept is sometimes attributed to Malaysian sex scientist Dr. Chua Chee Ann in 1989. In his research with female subjects suffering from vaginal dryness , he found that stimulation of an area deep in the vagina on the anterior wall resulted in rapid lubrication and arousal. He did not make his discovery public until thirteen years after it was made. However this location was described as an erogenous spot much earlier by Marie Stopes in her 1924 book "Contraception"
A-spot stimulation technique
Dr. Chua Chee Ann has promoted his A-spot stimulation technique in books and at seminars as the most effective means of stimulating the AFE zone. The technique involves applying pressure to the area, making a scooping motion, and stimulating other parts of the vagina. He claims that if the technique is practiced for at least 10 minutes a day, it will make vaginal lubrication and orgasms regularly attainable, even without foreplay.
The AFE zone is reported to be located at or near the deepest point on the anterior wall of the vagina, above the cervix, where the anterior wall of the vagina starts to curve upward (the entrance to the anterior fornix), but some websites and news articles have described it as being on the posterior wall of the vagina, roughly opposite of the G-spot. Dr. Chua Chee Ann stated in an interview that this is completely wrong. Some believe that this area may be a different erogenous zone altogether.
Connection to known female anatomy
Some believe that the AFE zone is the anterior fornix itself, but it is thought by some sex experts to be a degenerated female prostate (a theory that has been applied to the G-spot and the Skene's gland) or the area where the vaginal nerves connect, which is thought to be near it. Speculation is that it is the vesicouterine pouch, due to its proximity to the supposed location of the AFE zone and the supposed erogenous qualities of the rectouterine pouch.
According to Dr. Chua Chee Ann, the AFE zone redirects female ejaculatory fluid, which is expelled from the Skene's gland during G-spot orgasms, and turns it into vaginal lubrication. Because stimulating the AFE zone causes this mechanism and creates an erotic sensation simultaneously, full arousal occurs very quickly.
The orgasms that result from stimulation of the AFE zone are thought to be distinct from the orgasms that result from stimulation of the clitoris, but some women who have experienced them say that they are similar in sensation to orgasms achieved by G-spot stimulation, while others say that they are more "intense".
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