Antarsya statement after Greek 2012 election

ANTARSYA Statement on meeting with Syriza (English)
ANTARSYA salutes the millions of workers and people who, by means of their struggles and through their vote, gave a mandate for the overturning of memoranda and of the reactionary politics of governments, the European Union and the IMF, towards a left direction. The people’s mandate can be vindicated only through a social and political movement that will fight for and impose an anti-capitalist agenda of struggle in conditions of deep capitalist crisis and attack by the capital, such as the one that follows:
1. Cancellation of all Memoranda and Loan Agreements with the EU, the ECT and the IMF, cancellation of all impending measures
2. Protection of the unemployed, increases in salaries and pensions, decrease of work time, steady employment for everybody, taxation for big capital
3. Immediate cessation of payments to our creditors and unilateral cancellation of the entire usurious public debt
4. Nationalization without indemnity and with worker control of all banks and enterprises of strategic importance
5. Reinstatement of popular sovereignty and democracy by the people for the people, doing away with special police forces, neutralization of Hrisi Augi (*the neo-nazi party), stopping the anti-immigrant pogroms, dismantling army mechanisms that turn against people, disengagement from NATO.
6. None of the previous vital demands can be materialized without the immediate exit from the Euro and Eurotreaties, the rupture with and disengagement from the European Union
Based on this program, the popular movement, the Left and ANTARSYA will be defining objectively their position vis-a-vis any government in the current historical period.
We estimate that, as history has proven, the potential participation of the Left in any government under the control and within the confines of the Troika, the EU and the black front parties, of the banks and large enterprises, will drive it sooner or later into assimilation and defeat.
ANTARSYA believes that on the basis of the aforementioned estimations and goals, as well as along the lines of its own programmatic positions, the Left must turn to labor and popular movements in order to bring to completion the present first victory of the people, to impose gains, seeking its own rule and governance through its own bodies of struggle, paving the way for a new revolutionary perspective. We call on workers, on people, on the entire Left and the militant powers in common action and dialogue for a uniting, militant front of rupture and subversion in the direction traced previously, as well as in immediate struggles without further ado. Any attempt at forming a Memorandum-based or a “managing” anti-popular coalition government by the present parliament must be prevented through popular uprising. Beyond this meeting with SYRIZA, ANTARSYA will present these positions for dialogue to the Communist Party of Greece KKE), The Solidarity and Overthrow Front, the KKE (m-l), ML KKE, EEK, OKDE, Communist Organization “Reorganization” well as to other leftist, subversive and communist trends.
ANTARSYA projecting independently the above program to all social and political battles, will contribute to the creation of a mass, head-on, anti-capitalist Left much needed by the popular movement and our times.
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