Annual UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium

The idea for the Annual UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium sprouted in late 2008, as part of the Berkeley Undergraduate Sociology Association (BUSA)’s continuous efforts to provide undergraduates with greater opportunities for professional and intellectual development. The purpose of the Symposium is to bring together undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty members interested in sharing exceptional sociological work from different disciplines. Researchers from diverse backgrounds conduct numerous sociological studies every year, but have few chances to share their findings with one another. By inviting students and professionals to present their work, the Symposium seeks to create a greater sense of community among sociological scholars. The Symposium is one of the few academic conferences at UC Berkeley that are organized completely by undergraduates, and one of the very few academic conferences at UC Berkeley that actively encourage interdisciplinary participation.
The First Annual
The First Annual UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium was held on April 24, 2009. The theme was "Institution, Individual, Imagination." The opening keynote speaker was Evelyn Nakano Glenn, UC Berkeley Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies and of Ethnic Studies. Professor Glenn was elected President of the American Sociological Association (ASA) in June 2008. In her Symposium opening speech, Glenn provided an introduction into her research regarding the phenomenon of colorism. The presentation was a brief preview of her most recent work, Shades of Difference: Why Skin Color Matters (2009). Glenn called the Symposium “professional and stimulating.” The day closed with a thought-provoking presentation by Irene Bloemraad, UC Berkeley Associate Professor of Sociology and Scholar at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, who encouraged Symposium participants to use their sociological imagination for social change.
The Second Annual
The Second Annual UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium was held on April 23, 2010. The theme was "Merging and Emerging Boundaries." Over 200 students (undergraduate and graduate) participated as either presenters or attendees; they came from more than 10 universities and more than 20 departments (including Sociology, Anthropology, Media Studies, English, and Molecular and Cell Biology). The opening keynote speaker was Arlie Russell Hochschild, who spoke about the increasing commercialization of everyday life. Ananya Roy, celebrated UC Berkeley Professor of City and Regional Planning, gave the closing keynote based on her forthcoming book Poverty Capital: Microfinance and the Frontiers of Millennial Development.
The Third Annual
The Third Annual UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium is currently scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 23, 2011.

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