Andy Smallman

Andy Smallman (Andrew William Smallman; born 24 May 1963) is the founding director of Puget Sound Community School in Seattle, Wash. PSCS is an independent school in the Seattle Chinatown-International District for students in grades 6-12. Andy, along with his wife Melinda Shaw, started the school in 1994.
Andy's online class "The Practice of Kindness" drew national media interest in 2009. It was named "Idea of the Day" from former White House speechwriter and bestselling author Daniel H. Pink. To expand on the interest in these classes, in 2011 Andy and Melinda launched the Kind Living Network, a venture around the theme of kindness. Kind Living currently offers classes, a blog, a newsletter, and a website.
Smallman was a speaker at "Bloom Seattle," at the 2010 Guiding Lights Weekend, and a featured panelist on the subject of compassion at a Compassionate Action Network event. The July/August 2010 issue of Ode Magazine included a feature of Andy and his kindness classes. Since 2012, Andy has been involved in the Compassion Games, creating the Secret Agent of Compassion game in 2013.
Andy and Melinda have two daughters, Chloe (born 1993) and Ella (born 1996).
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