Andrew Frank Werthmann (born November 29, 1982) is a member of the Democratic National Committee. Early life and education Werthmann was born in 1982. His family grew up on a 600 acre organic dairy and produce farm in Polk County, WI - part of a larger nonprofit “intentional community" called Community Homestead. Werthmann's family joined six other households to live and work with special needs adults - farming, gardening, woodworking, and baking. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Werthmann now works on federal clean energy policy for a national non-profit, Pew Charitable Trusts. College activism Werthmann was president of the UW-Eau Claire Progressive Students Association during his time at university. As a student, Werthmann also founded "The Flip Side" (an alternative magazine still printing), "Citizens for a Fair Wage" (advocating for a minimum wage increase in Eau Claire) and was elected to the UW-EC Student Senate. In 2003, Werthmann led a large-scale protest against the build-up of the Iraq War, and launched several "Iraq War Teach-Ins" for the next few years. Political activism Werthmann was campaign manager for State Senator Kathleen Vinehout’s first campaign - the 2006 race that unseated an incumbent Republican in a predominantly rural district. After the election in November 2006, he worked as Senator Vinehout’s in-district aide - managing constituent services and outreach. In 2011, Werthmann helped organize the "99 Percent Assembly," an "Occupy Wall Street program. Werthmann has also been an active advocate for clean energy policy both statewide and nationally. On April 2, 2016, Werthmann introduced Senator Bernie Sanders at a campaign rally in Eau Claire leading up to the Wisconsin primary for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. Democratic National Committee Werthmann was elected to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in June 2016. The DNC is the formal governing body of the National Democratic Party, and all DNC members are also superdelegates to the Democratic National Convention. Werthmann is one of the two men representing Wisconsin on the DNC, along with Jason Rae. Public office Electoral History On April 7, 2009, Werthmann was elected to serve on the Eau Claire City Council, representing District 5. Werthmann did not face opposition in the 2009 or 2012 elections. In the 2015 council election, Councilmember Werthmann was reelected over challenger Che Parrot with over 84.5% of the vote. Eau Claire City Council Werthmann is currently serving his third term on the city council in Eau Claire. As a councilman, he has authored legislation ensuring benefits for city workers in same-sex partnerships. Werthmann also lead efforts to block a frac sand company’s loading station, and helped create a new Sustainability Commission for the City of Eau Claire. Werthmann has also been a leading proponent of disposable bag reduction efforts in the city. In 2011, Werthmann introduced an urban chicken ordinance which failed by a split vote. The ordinance would have allowed one home in each of the city’s five districts to get a $20 permit to have up to six hens in their backyard for one year under city supervision. In his time on the City Council, Werthmann has been a proponent of "living wage" initiatives and a vocal advocate on a number of state-level issues Werthmann has supported the creation of numerous neighborhood gardens, and authored an urban beekeeping ordinance which passed in 2015. In February 2011, Werthmann spoke at a City of Eau Claire Press Conference announcing a City Council resolution opposing aspects of Governor Scott Walker's "Budget Repair Bill." In 2014, Werthmann was one of two dissenting votes on a ban on synthetic Marijuana. Werthmann stated that claims against the substance have been based on hearsay and anecdotes, not scientific study. Councilmember Werthmann has been a vocal supporter of the "Confluence Project" in Eau Claire, and voted to contribute $5 million towards building the arts center - a mixed use private-public partnership in the city. Committees Werthmann serves on the following committees in the City of Eau Claire: * Advisory Commission on Sustainability * Putnam Park Commission * Revolving Loan Fund Committee * Visit Eau Claire & Cultural Arts Grant Program Committee