Andrew Osta

Andrew Osta (born July 17, 1982) is a Ukrainian-Canadian painter, author, songwriter, and public speaker. His early art was focused on exploring deeper levels of the human psyche through automatic drawing and painting. He called the resulting style of painting, characterized by complex compositions of highly symbolic elements, “Subjective Surrealism”, emphasizing the idea that there is no single way of understanding the resulting art.
In 2008, teaming up with an art therapist, he developed a program called “Healing and Counseling through Art”, in Hamilton Ontario. The program encouraged clients to express through art what is often too painful to talk about. After establishing the program, Osta left Canada to present his art and ideas at the 5th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference in Iquitos, Peru in 2009, where he exhibited his paintings with Pablo Amaringo. Following an 8-month apprenticeship in Iquitos, Peru, he wrote and published his first book, Shamans and Healers: the Untold Ayahuasca Story from a Shaman’s Apprentice. The book resulted in controversy, leading to an alleged death threat from a shaman described therein. Also in 2010, Osta recorded a full-length CD of original music, titled Dimension Dream, produced by Shiny House Media.
Osta moved to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in 2011, where together with Marion Perlet and Toller Cranston, he formed the new San Miguel School of magic realism. Osta was one of Toller Cranston’s closest friends during the last 3 years of his life. They exhibited together in April 2014. Osta’s work has been exhibited in North and South America, Europe, and Asia, including at the Museo Pinacoteca Diego Rivera in Xalapa, Veracruz.
In 2014, Osta published his second book, Walk in the Light: Holy Wisdom for Modern Times, dealing with Christianity and Shamanism. The book was not as successful as his first work.
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