Andrei Tarsalainen

Andrei Tarsalainen (; born 28 November 1954, Leningrad, USSR) is a Finnish and Russian writer, poet, literary critic, journalist and translator.
He is the author of three books, numerous articles, essays, short stories and poems. He graduated from Leningrad State University in 1982 with a degree in journalism. He has lived in Finland since 1983. Tarsalainen writes in Finnish, Russian and English. His first book Valleys of the Moon - Letters from the Eastern Front was published in 2005. His second book Bridges of my Childhood appeared in 2013. His selected poems Seventh Flower appeared in 2017. Tarsalainen studied Vladimir Nabokov's essays at The University of Helsinki.
As a translator, Tarsalainen participated in the XIVth FIT World Congress, Melbourne, February 1996 and in the XVIth FIT World Congress, Vancouver, August 2002. For his published translations, he was awarded Kopiosto grants in 1995 and 2001.
Tarsalainen has written articles, essays, short stories and poems (Kenwood Press, Keski-Uusimaa, Tuusulanjärven viikkouutiset, Kirjallisuusterapia-lehti, Haiku-kirjallisuuslehti). He has translated into Finnish poems by Marina Tsvetaeva, Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Vizbor and Yuri Kukin.
* Valleys of the Moon - Letters from the Eastern Front / "Kuunlaaksot - Kirjeitä itärintamalta" (2005)
* Bridges of my Childhood / "Lapsuuteni sillat" (2013)
* Seventh Flower / "Seitsemäs kukka" (2017, poems)
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