Andreas Buhr

Andreas Buhr (born March 9, 1960 in Detmold) is a German non-fiction author and speaker.
Born and raised in Detmold, Buhr has lived in Düsseldorf with his wife and two sons since 1987. Buhr studied business administration in Bielefeld and in St. Gallen, Switzerland, and graduated with an MBA. In 1980 Buhr began his career in the insurance industry, where he was responsible for setting up international sales, as well as designing and developing a training academy.
In 2002 Buhr founded the Andreas Buhr GmbH and in 2008 the go! Academy for Leadership and Sales GmbH in Düsseldorf. These companies offer a range of services including management and sales seminars, a pool of trainers, various instructor training courses and a Further Education publisher. The go! Academy for Leadership and Sales AG was renamed the Buhr & Team Academy for Leadership and Sales AG in June 2013. Buhr works with the brands © Lean Leadership, Customers 3.0 ® and Sales Intelligence ®. He is also a trainer for neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), certified according to the rules of the DVNLP.
* Go! Die Kunst, das Leben zu meistern., mvg Verlag 2002,
* Agiere: Schritte zur Kraft des Handelns, Orell Fuessli Verlag 2005,
* Die Umsatz-Maschine - Wie Sie mit VertriebsIntelligenz® Umsätze steigern, Gabal Verlag 2006, ; 2007 als Hörbuch
* Mitautor: Das Sales-Master-Training: Ihr Expertenprogramm für Spitzenleistungen im Verkauf, Gabal Verlag 2010,
* Vertrieb geht heute anders: Wie Sie den Kunden 3.0 begeistern, Gabal Verlag 2011, ; 2013 als Hörbuch
* Finanzvertrieb geht heute anders: Neue Wege für erfolgreiche Vermittler, Wolters Kluwer Verlag 2013,
* Führungsprinzipien: Worauf es bei Führung wirklich ankommt, GABAL 2016, .
* Vertriebsführung: Aufbau, Führung und Entwicklung einer professionellen Vertriebsorganisation (Dein Business), GABAL 2017, .
* Revolution? Ja, bitte!: Wenn Old-School-Führung auf New-Work-Leadership trifft (Dein Business), GABAL 2018, .
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