Andrea Pasciuta

Andrea Pasciuta (January 18, 1986) is the vice president of the Italian Neo-Pagan Cultural Association denomined "Bambini di Satana" (Childrens of Satan).
Currently, he's concentrated in philosophical studies about the interpretative semiotics and aesthetics inside a Satanist context, in addition, he actively collaborating with the "Italian Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics" (UAAR) and the "Italian Association for the Protection of Animals" (AIDAA).
Pasciuta, has also participated in talk shows and various programs to defending the cultural base of neo-Paganism and generically of Satanism.
An his intervention can be found in the book published by Stampa Alternativa publishing house under the title "Bambini di Satana - processo al diavolo i reati mai commessi di Marco Dimitri" (process against the devil of crimes never committed by Marco Dimitri) written by the journalist Antonella Beccaria with a preface by crime-writer Carlo Lucarelli.
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