
Anarcho-hybridism is a political philosophy and anarchist school of thought which advocates for the Near-Abolishment- of the state, capitalism and wage labor through countless reforms opposed to the established status Quo. A belief in an anarchist party used as an oxymoron, as a tool of the state to dismantle the state into federated directly democratic assemblies and local councils controlled by the people, and numerous economic reforms to empower worker co-operatives in hopes for society to gradually replace capitalism with worker control of the means of production through the means of a so-called Economic War Struggle, otherwise known as Wirtschaftskrieg.
Anarcho-Hybridism is about the pursuit of an anarchist society without the need of a bloody revolution, but instead, by a dualist Counter-Power Anarchist party that conquers the state from within and defeats capitalism by giving the working class aid to build their own worker-owned cooperatives, while decentralizing and destroying the state from within by spreading direct democracy in commune councils. An "Anarchist Party" - as a paradoxical oxymoron - to slowly use the apparatus of the State to dismantle the State itself - since our struggle is not revolutionary but instead an economic war where cooperatives owned by the proletariat will outcompete once and for all, the Bourgeoisie's markets.
Anarcho-Hybridism developed as an off-shoot leftist ideology inspired by Proudhonic Anarchist Mutualism, Communalism, Democratic Confederalism, Market Socialism, Syndicalism and finally a new form of Georgism . Hybrids attempt to mix these leftist ideologies together to create a new Hybrid Ideology which makes use of diverse praxis to achieve the Anarcho-Communist Utopia. Market Socialism in this sense, is seen as a stepping stone towards Anarcho-Communism.
It is a synthesis of Individualism and Collectivist Anarchism, and believes that in order for Freedom to be granted to humanity, individual freedom and collective freedom mustbe equally respected.
The Method to defeat reactionaries according to Hybrids is through an economic war between worker Co-operatives and Capitalist private Corporations, and also through creating a non-hierarchical, ceremonial, symbolic and consultative state, that is merely powerless, and acts as a hollow shell gradually, to prevent any stronger state from over-taking it once again.
The Origins of Hybridism are coming from, Anarchist Giosue' Agius,a young Maltese Far-Left Anarchist Writer and Political Activist studying at university of Malta, who authored the book called The Conquest Of State as a basis for his Hybrid Theory.
The Hybrid Theory is a complex theory of various ideas. Simply put Hybrids believe in a a Political party with Anarchist leanings in their own federated nested local councils and assemblies, giving them the power of direct democracy, and also to co-joint operations with the anarchist party itself. Slowly and gradually the State will disintegrate as it gives it's power voluntarily to these local councils, and on the other hand capitalism will disintegrate as cooperatives start to replace them gradually. The goal is, much like with any real anarchist ideology, to replace the state with councils and to give the means of production to the working class. But crucially the state is not supposed to be dismantled completely because if there is no state then reactionaries might appear and form a new
state. The state should therefore be transformed into a Consultative, Ceremonial, Symbolic and non-
hierarchical one. To quote the book:
“Hybridists want to change the state from violent to peaceful, from protector of the bourgeois to
protector of the proletariat, from hierarchical to non-hierarchical, from bureaucratic to a collective,
From centralized to decentralized, from controlling, to being controlled by the people, from
authoritarian to consultative, from an aspect of daily life, to a symbolic state, From important, to
Hybrids like Classical Anarchist, such as William Godwin and Percy Shelley, also believe in the power of educating the masses, to bring about social change. Education must at all costs be free, and new policies should focus on making the ignorant intelligent.
Reformer Hybrids
Hybridism puts lots of emphasis on co-ops and their economic power. The goal is to slowly phase out
capitalist businesses by having worker co-ops compete with them. This is called the economic war.
But how would the worker co-ops stand a chance against the global capitalists? That’s where the
state comes in.
The state would financially support worker co-ops. This means providing funding for them, cutting
their taxes, imposing tariffs on foreign competitors, increasing taxes on capitalist, not taxing the
income of employees of co-ops. All of those are measures which are supposed to help worker co-ops
to outcompete with capitalist enterprises. Making use of Mutual Credit free banking or credit unions,
in order to do this hybridism aims for a form of market socialism, at least as a transitionary step.
What happens after that is kinda not that well specified and left up to the communes, this way the
means of production would be in the hands of the workers
Other things the party would do once in power would include abolishing the police, military and
prisons, introduce a relaxed law for minor offenses like smoking weed or speeding. The state would
engage in foreign aid including in capitalist countries in order to help suffering people and increase
the support for Anarcho-hybridism.
They would Increase the prevalence of direct democracy by letting the people vote online. It would
also abolish the positions of leadership like prime ministers and all ministers as a matter of fact. The
anarchist party itself doesn’t have a leader either, only a speaker.
Revolutionary Hybrids
There are two kinds of hybridism.
They are: reformist and revolutionary. The reformist Hybrids focus on using their political party to use policies to outcompete capitalists.
The revolutionary Hybrids simply means that once the anarchist party is in power it uses the means of the
state like the police and military to forcefully take the means of production from the capitalists.
Criticism of Revolution
Like Max Stirner, Egoist Anarchists and Christian Anarchists, the Hybrids are critical of the revolution, and they believe that a revolution is authoritarian, as described by Friedrich Engels. According to Hybrids, Revolution is both Violent and authoritarian, making it just as deceitful as the state who is also authoritarian and violent. They also believe that the revolution as a social movement, is a method of over-turning one ideal, to replace it with another, to sum it up from the book, Those that want to destroy the state, seek to control it, those that want to reform the state, seek to transform it.
According to Hybrids, nothing guarantees that once the state is destroyed, someone else won't try to build a new state thereafter.
While they are critical of the revolution, they are still supportive of intentional communities, supportive of General Strikes, Non-Violent peaceful movements, and also some form of insurrection.
Although they criticize the notion of revolution, they still believe that Revolution is a final alternative, should all else fail.
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