
Septemism is a cross political set of ideas. It is by definition impossible to run a party by Septemist ideology, since Septemism merely proposes a new form of democracy - open for all kinds of parties, following traditional ideologies. In this sense, Septemism is more of a sub category of Democracy, rather than a sub category of some concrete political ideology.
Septemism proposes the establishment of a universal and democratically controlled institution, which owns energy production assets. This would - according to Septemists - constitute a form of international insurance, which guarantees that any given national state doesn't abuse its position towards others. Also, Septemism argues that in fact energy production can only rightfully be owned by all of humanity together. This is one of the most critizised parts of Septemism, since so many have energy commerce to thank for their private or national wealth.
Septemism further suggests that this institution - called Septaeon - by democratic decisions, could be used to fight many of the contemporary global problems, including Climate Change, Financial Crises, and extreme socio-economic inequality. Partly this supposedly would be done, by progressive energy pricing - favoring less wealthy individuals and states, as well as green industry and corporations with small environmental impact.
The ultimate goal of Septemism, is that this institution would assume the role of a Parallel Democratic State - which invites all to become citizens of it - and which aims at improving the lives of people all over earth - by use of its democratic voice, and the revenue its energy ownership. Such a suggestion is undesirable to many, who fear such a parallel state would compete with and try to overrun traditional national states. Supporters of Septemism, on the contrary, say that such a democratic Parallel State, would merely cooperate with national states, in the strife for a common goal: namely the imroved lives of all - irrelevant as to nationality.
Septemism believes that the United Nations have failed in some of its intended roles, resulting in the need of a stronger institution, with democratic elections, and with a financial base of its own. This is what supporters of Septemism believes this new organization could provide. They believe it could give politicians as well as private individuals from all over Earth, the power to affect our global development.
The reason why Septemism is called Septemism is the following, based on the latin word "Septem" for "seven". According to Septemist philosophy, the human history can loosely be divided into seven eras:
# The era of the hunter and gatherer societies.
# The era of the agricultural revolution
# The era of the emergence of the first states, as well as the first written laws
# The era of the scientific revolution
# The era of the industrial revolution
# The era when democratic and capitalistic states became the most powerful organizations on Earth
# The seventh era, when Septemism was proposed, and people from all over Earth were invited to become part of the Universal Parallel Democratic State Septaeon.
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